Saturday, October 25, 2008

Erection 2008: Oops, I Crapped My Mouth. The Daily Show's 'Gaffe In".

Jon Stewart Discusses 'Pullin a Biden', and Other Goofs....
I'm glad I don't have a microphone in front of me 24/7. Hell, I have a blog that I can edit, and I still manage to write stupid stuff despite it. The Presidential candidates are no different. The Daily Show had a nice clip of it this week - what they called 'Gaffe-In'.
Joe Biden, Sarah Palin, Barack Obama and John McCain- none of them are immune from the occasional stump speech faux pas... Yikes, I just used French !! I better just let the clip do the talking for me....Before I say something stupid.


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The tongue is a two edged sword. We are to use it to edify not to destroy! What comes out stays out!

  2. EDIFY?? Hey Liz, if you're gonna get all intellectual on us....

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sorry if I offended you! That wasn't directed at anyone. I was just making a general statement. I don't speak intellectual. I'm a simple girl.

  4. no, I just don't know what edify means, so i got defensive... Kidding!

  5. Anonymous8:06 PM

    why dont you edify nancy
