Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Give the People What They Want: More 'How Tough Kenney Boone Is'...

Kenney and His Deputies: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ??

Hey, we're not stupid here at SC6 - if we hit on something that the readers like, we'll gladly run it into the ground. Or at least we'll run a few more posts on it. Little did we know that the Kenney Boone - Chuck Norris jokes would be a runaway success...... So, in the spirit of The Godfather: Part II, First Blood Part II (isn't that Second Blood?), and all those Police Academy sequels, here is How Tough Kenney Boone Is: Part Two......

Kenney Boone doesn't eat. He just kicks ass until he's full.....

If you want a list of Kenney Boone's enemies, just check the extinct species list.

Kenney Boone isn't Lactose Intolerant, he just doesn't put up with lactose's crap..

When you open up a can of Whoop-Ass, Kenney Boone jumps out of it...

Aliens do exist, they're just waiting for kenney Boone to die before they attack...

There are no Disabled People - just people who have met Kenney Boone and somehow survived.

Kenney Boone has never blinked in his entire life. Ever.

If Kenney Boone is late, Time better slow the hell down........

Rudolph has a red nose because he got lippy one day, and Kenney Boone roundhouse kicked him in the face several times.

A coin toss is called 'Heads or Tails' to determine from which end Kenney Boone will kick your ass............ I made that one up myself !!



  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    The guy standing to his left is as good as they get. A great deputy.

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    It keeps getting better and better!!!! GO BOONE 08 Mike is my HERO!

  3. Aw Shucks, You're making me blush.....
