Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here Comes The Second Stimulus Package..

Time For More of the Other White Meat.....
Much to my chagrin and constant urging against it, Congress seems prepared to have a second stimulus package, which will put our nation even further into debt. A debt us and our kids will have to pay off.... Our country is going down the shitter, and it's getting there faster everyday..
Now, I wasn't a big fan of the first stimulus for the same reason. However, I did exactly what Congress told me to do: I bought a set of Goodyear tires for my car, which came in real handy, otherwise I might be driving on banana peels right now. The only saving grace from the first stimulus was that I got $600, and I got to choose what to do with it. Chances are we won't get to choose this time....
Now, i don't know if you were paying attention the first twenty times I told you guys this, so I'll tell you again... The government thinks that you are not smart enough to do the right thing with any funds. That is why you pay taxes. They are all much, much , much smarter than you are, and they know what to d with your money much, much , much more than you. Democrats really believe this... Either way, you are stupid, they are much, much , much smarter.....
Congress already gave you one chance, and you didn't fix the economy with that $600. It's all your fault, so now Congress has to save you from yourself - again. So, instead of just letting you take care of your needs, Congress is going towards 'creating' jobs - via infrastructure projects. AKA - PORK !!!!!!
Yes folks, expect your local congressman to be requesting a new highway or bridge to nowhere as soon as they can. BTW, the total cost is expected to be in the $300 Billion range - twice the amount they got for you the first time. Funny how that happens, eh? Even worse, is that EVERYONE is saying this is needed. From Fed Chair Ben Bernanke (see, everyone in Dillon is a Democrat), to economists and Federal Eggheads across the political spectrum.
Is this what the voters want? Nope. Channel 15 took a poll online, and 73% of all respondents said "Show Me the Money". Clearly, voters still think they know how to allot the money to help themselves in the best way. Silly kids !! They're so cute when they're stupid, aren't they ??


  1. Yes, th snowball of 'Gimme, Gimme' is clearly rolling downhill right now. Congress is going haywire, and the voters will feel, if they are going to go nuts, then at least give me a cut before the bus goes off the cliff....

  2. Anonymous9:27 PM

    This is crazy!! What will they do if the printer breaks down? Borrow one. HA HA HA HA.

  3. DC has plenty of two things: Ink and BS.
