Monday, October 27, 2008

More Bad Timing for McCain.. Stevens Is Guilty.

The Grinch Who Stole Your Tax Dollars, And The Only Pork Project He Didn't Vote For..........Or Did He? I Forget....
When it rains, it pours..... Just 8 days left til Election Day, and John McCain can't catch a break. He just got a cherry on top of his Shit Sundae with the news that Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska was found guilty of seven counts of making false statements on is financial disclosure forms in reference to improvements made on his home that he..... didn't, for.
I've posted on this previously when it broke, so the verdict is no surprise. I said it before then - Ted Stevens is exactly what is wrong with Washington, and what went wrong with the GOP. Good riddance. I'm not an expert on this, but i think that Sarah Palin can now yank his ass out of his Senate seat, and put in someone with restraint and honesty. Maybe herself. Wouldn't that be interesting?
Anyway, this just adds more to the sideshow that has dogged John McCain since Labor Day. what else can go wrong. This just in......... John McCain has just stepped in dog shit in the middle of a gold mine........... and his penis fell off. Here's his new campaign theme song - or at least his wish for just one day between now and November 4th...


  1. The fun part of this is watching Palin's reaction. I mean, the same lady who wants to talk about character and bring up Ayers every chance she gets is now suddenly mum on whether or not she supports Stevens.

    Is she going to vote for a convicted felon?

    How many toes do these guys have left after shooting themselves in the feet so constantly?

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Oddly "Uncle Frank" and Bill Ayers are still relevant, as are obdurate Dems that have clung to office over far more that ought to have seen them removed, like Dick Gephardt's vacation house on the outerbanks of NC or Mr. Obama's cozy dealings with Tony Rezko for his Chicago home.

    More confirmation that la Prenza is, like La Raza, in the tank for Obama and will doubtless look the other way on voter fraud as the did in the primaries.

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    restraint and honesty! Do people have that any more? Doesn't seem like many.
