Friday, October 03, 2008

Now These Are Awards I Can Get Into...

Coca-Cola As a Spermicide? Only On The Ig Nobel Awards !!!

Tired of those Annual Awards where a bunch of highbrow eggheads pass out kudos for things that you don't understand? Physics, Math, Chemistry? Who gives a crap? I want to see a guy win an award for mathematically proving that strippers earn more during their ovulation period because their boobies are bigger, or that potato chips that are crunchier taste better, or an award for a book titled "You Bastard: A Narative Exploration of the Experience of Indignation Within Organizations". Whatever that is.......

What exactly are the Ig Nobel Awards? Well, it's technically given by a group called the Annals of Improbable Research Magazine for oddball but practical scientific achievements. In essence, it's goofy science, but it does have merit.. Proving that expensive fake medications work better than cheap fake meds, Fleas on dogs jump higher than those on cats, showing that heaps of hair or string will inevitably tangle... These are some of this year's award winners..

For some of those honored, this is the Top of the Mountain - more important than a real Nobel Prize. Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araujo, who won for discovering that Armadillos can and do csrew up archaelogical digs by shuffling the artifacts up, said "There is no Nobel Prize for Archaeology, so an Ig Nobel is a good thing." Sounds like a truly proud man...... at least compared to his cousin , who works as a towel boy in Veracruz.......

Congrats to all the winners, and for all the rest of you, get ready for Ig Nobel 2009 !!!!!



  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    love my coke

  2. I'm wondering about that theory. Does it just kill sperm, or does drinking it , uh, shrink stuff?

  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    have a coke and a smile

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Journal of Irreporducable Results has been a howl for decades, the IgNoble awards have been icing on the cake for a while. If you can find one of their collections see if you can find the paper on the posterior orifice obturator muscle and golf. With all the regions golf courses, from Hilton Head to Pinehurst, this is cutting information!
