Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama's Infomercial: Bad Move?

So, Which Way Will The Deficit Go In Your Plan ??

I didn't watch Barack Obama's 30 minute infomercial last night. I spent all night at band practice, and after not enough sleep, I had a bear of a day at work today - but it'll be nice come bonus time. So, how does a guy blog on something that he didn't watch? Easy. He lets the others to the analysis for him.

I got online and on TV today, and there was a lot of criticism about Obama's show. CBS and Yahoo had a lot to say about it, and not much of it was good. In short, it was long on promises, and short on financing. So, like most politicians, Obama is telling what he'd like to do, but isn;t sure on how to pay for it.

There are estimates that Obama would increase Federal Spending by about $300 Billion a year, and he'd fall $90 Billion a year short in paying for it. Guess that $10 Billion a month we'd save by leaving Iraq won't pay for everything...

Health Care savings, Universal Health Care, Spending Cuts and the deficit - all were poked and prodded by even the mainstream media, and found to be unrealistic.. With just a few days to go, one has to look at this in hindsight and wonde if this was a bad move. There are some advantages to a debate. It does make you not exaggerate - as compared to an infomercial or a stump speech.

I doubt it will cost him the election, but funnier things have happened. I found a clip from a previous election, where the shoo-in for the job almost blew a 99.8% lead in the polls with a bad speech.....Here's the clip:

Never mention The Great Pumpkin on the lectern..



  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    this is one of my all-time favorite songs. it makes ya wanna be a kid again...don't mess with charlie brown and snoopy!

  2. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Jean and I just broke out "The Great Pumpkin" and watched it. Thanks Mike!

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I watched this junk

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I got a rock!!!

  5. No candy for you, Bad Girl !
