Thursday, October 02, 2008

Russian Soldier Raps, Bitches His Way Into a One Way Ticket to Siberia...

Your Left, Your Left, Your Left, Right, Left ............
And they say that Russians have no sense of humor... Okay, they don't. Let's just say they have a little more fun in the Ukraine - not a lot more, but they do smile at least...... In the news this week, a Russian soldier stationed in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad, formerly St. Petersburg) was so unhappy with the conditions at his barracks that he decided to make a rap song and video about it, and he posted in on RuTube, which is the Soviet equivalent of YouTube - minus the Freddie Mercury as a Prarie Dog videos....
Well, it made it all the way to Moscow, and the Russian military gave him a nice present......... a reassignment to Siberia. Congrats , comrade !! And just in time for Winter too... Next time, wait until Spring to shoot you mouth off. Was it worth it all? I doubt it, but here's the video he made. It's a spinoff of Eminem's 'Stan' - yes, they are still 4 years behind the times behind the Iron Curtain. It is in Russian, so don't expect to understand a word, but you do get to see how crappy things are there. This makes the cracks in the ceiling at Walter Reed look like a day at the Ritz Carlton.....

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