Saturday, October 18, 2008

SC6 Reviews 'W'......

Hey, I Don't Think Oliver Stone Is a Bush Fan.....
Boy, did I ever get a big surprise at the movie theater today. I went to go see "W" today. Now, to give you an idea of how rare me in a movie theater is, the last movie I saw was 'Click' - about 2 years ago... I think. I can't even remember.....
I was all excited to see Oliver Stone's homage to our 43rd President. I thought it was going to be a celebration of Bush's eight years of service to our nation - kinda like 'The Doors' was for Jim Morrison. What a shock to see Stone attack Bush in such a manner !! Stone obviously views The Lizard King more affectionately than Bush.
Truthfully, Stone is a lot kinder to Bush than I thought he would be. The movie bounces back and forth a bit between the decision to invade Iraq, and the years between college and his decision to run for President. Yeah, the film portrays him as a bit of a foulup for about 2 decades, before his decision to find God and quit drinking. His father, Bush 41 is constantly there to save his butt from himself, and Stone makes no secret throughout the film that Jeb Bush was the one that Bush 41 wanted to run for office, and W kept getting in the way...
The casting was a bit up and down in my opinion. Josh Brolin does a real good job as Bush. He makes you feel like you are wathing Bush, and his accent is dead on. Elizabeth Banks is a bit of a sideshow, and you only get to know anything about her at first. She chain smokes? James Cromwell doesn't give you any feel for Bush 41 with his performance, he seems more like himself doing any one of five other characters he's played. Ellen Burstyn looks like Barbara Bush, but Stone makes her a bit erratic and cartoonish, but it was interesting. The rest of the clan is not in the picture at all......
The casting of the Cabinet was for the most part good. The worst job was Thandie Newton playing Condi Rice. While she looked like her, her voice is choppy and she makes her look like a parakeet, constantly chirping in comments... Richard Dreyfuss is a pretty good Cheney, Jeffery Wright looks a bit like Colin Powell, but doesn't try to sound like him much. Scott Glenn and Bruce McGill do nice jobs as Donald Rumsfeld and CIA Chief George Tenet. Powell and Tenet are the only ones viewed in any positive light, with Powell seen as the sole voice of reason when the rest of the Cabinet wanting to invade Iraq. Stone makes no bones about his opinion on the reason for the invasion - they wanted oil, and they never had any exit strategy planned or intent. Powell and Cheney, both holdovers from Bush 41's cabinet, are constantly at odds. Cheney tells Powell, "I think you made the biggest screwup of all - you could be President right now." Powell's reply? "Fuck You"......
In all fairness to Stone, he doesn't vilify Bush or try to make him look evil, like many Democrats do. Stone argues that Bush is a man relying on bad information, and when that info turns out bad, he is tormented by the decision , and he's frustrated by his people...
Personally, Stone is a bit harsher. Stone obviously had issues with his Dad, and he paints an ugly picture between Bush 41 and Bush 43. W is constantly at odds with his father, but despite this, is always trying to earn his acceptance - even invading to avenge his father's failure to unseat Saddam Hussein. Bush 41 is distant to W personally, but calculating behind his back professionally. At the end, Stone gives us one of his patented bright light dream sequences, with the Bushes fighting each other in the Oval Office.
Overall, it moves along pretty quickly, and whether you agree or disagree, it is interesting to watch.... Stone's best ever? Hardly...... JFK, The Doors, Platoon, Wall Street, and even Born on the Fourth of July are all better than 'W', but Stone still does make a film that holds your attention.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Personally, I suspect Stone still has issues with Nixon that he might be transferreing to any Republican imcumbent...

  2. I never saw a movie get pushed up so fast before just to be aired BEFORE the Election. No doubt he's rushing it to have an effect..
