Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Why My Sidewalk Looks Like a Toxic Waste Dump.

It Ain't Raining, But the Water Keeps Running Down My Yard....

For the past month now, I've had this nice little, greasy., oily , smelly , rusty trail of crap pour down the street and across my front yard.. It's looks like New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. It started after Hanna blew through last month, and even though it hasn't rained a whole lot for the last couple weeks, it keeps coming.

While the water has been pretty good for my grass, the crap in it is staining everything in my front yard, my driveway and street. I can't tell you how bad this crap smells, and for a couple weeks, I had no idea where it was coming from - only that it started from my neighbor Chris' yard. So, i finally asked him what it was. It seems that it's coming from the nice apartment complex behind and uphill from our houses. Turns out the retention pond they put in was a LITTLE too small, so when it rains, the water - along with the waste oil, rust and other shit from the parking lot - ends up overflowing down the hill and ends up right in our street. Maybe if it deosn't rain for another month or two, it'll stop. Until then, this is what I have to step in to get my mail everyday...

Pretty tasty, huh?
You see, this is why I spent 4 years trying to make sure that development in Florence did things right. I'd like to slice off a chunk of this crap, and make the architect whole designed the retention pond eat it. Chow down, a-hole!! Instead, i'll just let this stuff invade my immune system, then i'll get back at them this way.......


  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    ya know, maybe if you call DHEC, they will come out and access the situation and take action needed since there is oil coming out of the ground. wait, maybe you should call exxon-mobil instead. anyway, when the fish kill happened a month ago, they came right out.

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    you better call ghostbusters

  3. Nah, i'd rather just be able to complain about it. Fixing it would deny me that right........

  4. Mike, admit it, it's all your fault. You and your rich corporate buddies, you evil Republican you.

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Drag some roadkill into the backyard and call ETV to do the documentary on evil Republican developers overbuilding Flo town...

  6. Where's that Montauk Monster thing when I need it. Forget it, I'll make my own from a Possum and an Eagle.

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I called DHEC and left a message. I told them it was coming from the front yard of an envirohater.

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Call HAZMAT, maybe via Flo-town's fire department and have them check it out. At least the paper trail will be underway.
