Friday, October 17, 2008

The World Series Makes Room For Obama ???

SPAM Boy Victorino and the Phillies Will Have to Wait a Minute..

If you don't think everyone in the media wants to see Barack Obama be President, here is more proof.. Team Obama has so much excess cash at this point, that they are buying 30 minutes of NETWORK airtime on all the major networks on October 29th. The last holdout was Fox, which already has a little thing called the World Series scheduled for that day and time. But even Fox and Major League Baseball have decided to delay the start of Game 6 of the Series ten minutes to accomodate Obama. Money talks, and bullshit gets you elected.....

The presidential infomercial on network TV is an Election first, and hopefully, it will be a one time occurance. But, I just have a hard time picturing NBC, CBS and ABC selling airtime in primetime for John McCain. McCain's team made a lot out of Obama not accepting public financing, but hey, why should he have taken it. He raised a ton more on is own, and saved taxpayers millions... And, the Series could be over before then anyway, which makes the complaint moot. Still, the huge influx of cash is allowing the candidates to show up in places where we may not want them...



  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Money, Money, Money!! We live a geed filled society. They are willing to give up morale and integrity to fill their pockets. What a shame!!!

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    it is the root of all evil and becomes more evident every day.
