Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And You Think You're In Debt...

Homeless Guy Has to Pay $101 Million For Setting California Fires...
Next time you feel sorry for yourself about how broke you are, here's someone you can compare yourself to,and feel a lot better.. Fifty year old Steven Butcher, a homeless guy in California, was sentenced to four years in jail and fined a whopping $101 MILLION for setting fires in the Los Padres National Forest in 2002, and again in 2006. The 2006 fire burned for more than a month before being contained, and cost over $78 million to stop....
Yeah, the guy was responsible for it, and it cost the taxpayers a ton of money, but $101 million? What was the theory behind the extra $23 million -in case he hits the Powerball Jackpot? P-Luv, time for a legal opinion.....
Most people with jobs who owe just a few hundred bucks feel pressured by debt, imagine how this guy feels... Mayeb if he works in the prison cafeteria, he can pay of the debt - by the year 2259 !!!!! It reminds me of the scene from Hot Shots, where Topper talks about wrecking a $34 Fighter Jet, and he's paying it back at $10 a week - it would have been less if he bought the Collision Waiver....
Yeah, it's hard to feel bad for a guy who caused so much damage, but maybe instead of 4 years and $101 million, he should have gotten $4 and 101 million years.....


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    He was probably just trying to stay warm. Bless his heart!

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    in southern california

  3. It ain't much warmer here, Moye..

  4. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Needin some body heat as cold as it has been.

  5. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I overslep today I was cozy warm in my bed.
