Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Bitches Are Running Wild in North Carolina.

The Claws Are Out In the Dole - Hagan Catfight ...
As crazy-bad as the Presidential race has been, or the slings thrown around in the Florence Sheriff's match, the winner hands down as the nastiest race in America is the race for Senator of North Carolina between Elizabeth Dole and Kay Hagan....
A few months ago, this looked like a ho-hum race, but in a year that's very tough for any Republican - even in the Tar Heel State - Dole is fighting for he political life... And she's playing real rough.
The big question many candidates have is how to run against a female candidate. Well, when you're a woman also, the answer is easy. You punch her in the boobs - figuratively, of course. In the heart of the Bible Belt, Dole accused Hagan of being supported by Athiests, and attending a fundraiser involving members of a group called Godless Americans PAC ( there's a PAC for EVERYTHING)...
I can't tell you how rough the ad is, because I can't find it online, but it hit Hagan so hard, that she sued Dole for defamation of character. I'm not sure of the vaildity of being able to sue a politician. Earl ?? Suing a rival for slander is pretty extreme, even for DC. I've heard that Hagan is retaliating by calling Dole the "C" word......
What's next? Dole and Hagan in a hair-pulling mudwrestling match? I hope not - neither one of them are my type.....Anyway, here's a clip from their last debate - or maybe High School. God help North Carolina.......


  1. I heard the ad this weekend on NPR. It talks about a "secret" fundraiser "Godless Americans" had for Hagan. Then had dialouge like:

    "Godless Americans and Kay Hagan. She hid from cameras. Took godless money. What did Kay Hagan promise in return?"

    The ad then plays a clip of a female voice saying, "There is no God."

    It is pretty clear from the set up, the purpose is for people to think the female voice at the end is Hagan. It's poor quality, made to sound like a recording, as if they snuck some mics into this secret meeting.

    Pretty damn low.

  2. They play for keeps in NC...

  3. Anonymous8:59 PM

    pluvlaw is right! mike you have no idea how bad and annoying it has been the past couple of weeks with these two.And thats not counting the other 15 commercials for other candidates ofr otehr offices. One morning they had 7...count it 7 commercials back to back on "Vote for me.." ads!!!
    I'm glad tommorrow is the final day and I can finally stop wasting time deleting voice mails from Hagan/Dole/Perdue from my phone.
