Friday, November 21, 2008

Clip Your Toenails, Dammit!! Five Reasons Guys Stay Single...

Sometimes, it's not easy being a single guy. But, it's pretty safe to say that it's my on fault that I'm single. The sameBold holds true for most guys and I found an article from some woman who gives five common tips for why guys are single...It's not the biggets reasons, but it does give some interesting insight to that strangest and most complex of animals - WOMEN.
1. Eye Contact
Want a woman's attention? Look 'em in the eye, not in the hooters. No matter how slammin' their body might be, eye contact is verrrrrrry important. It also keeps you from looking like you suffer from Number 5, but we'll get to it..
2. Eating Like a Caveman.
They're called knives, forks and spoons, fellas.... Use the utensils, and remember that the food isn't running away, so take yor time while eating it. Ever hear a woman say, 'The way that guy attacks a rack of ribs TURNS ME ON !!'?? No, and you never will...
3. Cut Those Toenails.
If your toenails resemble a Swiss Army Knife, you better cut them. I did this once, and I almost sliced my ex's calves into roast beef. You might get away with this for a little while, but eventually those shoes come off, and your sweetie's gonna see that you are a frickin' slob....
4. Order Food Like a Girl.
Girls are allowed to be picky - they starve, preen, pluck and color themselves silly, just so they don't look like guys. They're entitled, but if you order food at a restaurant like Meg Ryan in 'When Harry Met Sally', you in trouble. In short, if you have everythign on the side, you also leave your testicles there as, Sally ...
5. Assume You're a Loser.
Welcome to my Achilles heel... Lack of confidence. Guys send out signals, and women pick up on them - bigtime. We may not know it, but every guy has a huge sign on their chest when he walks into a room, but only women see it. Mine says, "Ghetto Fabulous"..... It is imperative that a guy shows a confidence in himself to draw women to want to get in on the show.....
So, to summarize, be confident, be a guy, and don't be a pig...


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    i will not stare at boobies, i will not stare at boobies, i will not stare at boobies...

  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Bingo! Be a gentleman, but also be yourself.

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM


  4. Anonymous3:38 PM

    don't be deceived ladies!
