Saturday, November 08, 2008

Does Obama Know More About Business Than We Think He Does ?

He'll Be CEO Of a Nation Now
I was doing my usual Saturday morning routine today - Eggs, Sausage, toast and Fox Business Saturday. It's always a good two hour stint of understanding business and politics. Many people don't understand the effects of politics on business, but they make it easier. And yes, they look at it from both sides. It's not two hours of 'Drill, Baby, Drill'....
That ends my endorsement once again for Fox Business News. Anyway, they were discussing the effect of Barack Obama's election on the stock market. So far, it has not been a positive. Wall Street is very leery of an Obama presidency, and it's effect on American business. While voters are looking forward to possible tax relief, Corporate America is a bit skittish of what Obama will do to them come January 20th.... But maybe Obama knows more about the enterprising spirit that business is made of than Wall Street gives him credit for.
A brief look at Obama's resume doesn't give Wall Street much to be excited about: community organizer, never has worked in the private sector, never has run a business... But if , you think about what Obama has done the past two years, it is very much like an American business success story.
Capitalism's cornerstone is the ability to take nothing, and make something out of it. Obama has doen that with his campaign. An afterthought when he first started in February, 2007, Obama took an organization with no people and no money, and he built it into a juggernaut the likes of which were never seen again in Ameican politics. He attracted the best in the business, made a strong organization and raised enough capital privately that he declined public financing, and saved taxpayers $87 million in the process.
When looked at objectively, it sounds a lot like many business success stories. The question is, does the success that Obama built mostly on his cult of personality have the legs to continue now that expectations are now....uh, expected? He could, if he applies the knowledge of his campaign experience, and applies it towards American business. In short, he will need to avoid listening to to left side of the Democratic Party, and put creedence in the top notch businesspeople he has on staff.
All sorts of industries are lining up to try and get bailouts like Wall Street just got: the Auto, Credit Card and Home Builder industries are all at bat, trying to get some action off the government titty evn before Obama has taken office. I say, to hell with them. I can give fundamental business reasons why each of them are failing, and shit like that happens... Businesses fail, other businesses take their place and workers go there instead.
As far as economic stimulus, the only infrastructure that I see being a viable option is bullding alternative energy option to make us more oil independent. Yes, gas is only $2 a gallon now, but demand will rise again, and supply will be short again someday. Remember all those lesson on the economy that we've discussed previously. Laying an assload of concrete and steel will not create any new permanent jobs, only temporary ones.
If Barack Obama can use the ingenuity that got him to the White House IN the White House, he may be successful. Business is cyclical, and we are in a down cycle. Things will get better, and maybe quicker than we think. The fall season is always the quarter when business cuts jobs, January and February is when they start hiring again. Obama needs to - I'll say it again - tweak the economy, not try to completely overhaul it. Spend wisely... And don't ;isten to ANY politician in Congress............
Speaking of Cult of Personality.......


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I wish I would have saved the article I read this in. It said that now the election is over and the people have their guy in office, they are wandering aimlessly as what to do now. They were so hyped up about all that was being said, it's "What Now"?
    Did you see it?

  2. No, I missed that one, although it sounds familiar. It reminds me of the scene in Forrest Gump where Forrest runs for three years, ans everyone is following him.. Forrest is done running, and the one guy says, "Now what are we supposed to do?"

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Personally, I don't think he had the peoples welfare in mind from the get go.

    I like watching Forrest Gump!! But yeah, that is how they described it.

  4. Anonymous7:02 PM

    some friend you are Mike Reino...where were you when Penn State (and me) needed you???


  5. Anonymous2:18 PM

    repeat after me four and out

  6. But there's alot of problems, Moye. Just give him a second term now...
