Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don't Go By What Jim Clyburn Says, Go By What Jim Clyburn Says... Uh, What?

It's Okay, We're Confused Too......


Hey, we're honest at least. Time to give our fave Congressman a little kick in the nads with our size 5 Pro-Keds. My feet are actually much bigger than that, but not politically . Anyway, with the elections over, the time has come where each party has to choose it's leadership for the next two years. In the GOP, each leader has been tarred, feathered, and their foreheads tattooed with a giant 'L'. Expect a virtually all new set of white guys in charge soon.

On the Democratic side, there is virtually no change in the top leadership. Xavier Becerra will become a Vice Chair, mostly because he is very tight with Nancy Pelosi, and that he is Hispanic, and the dems rainbow was missing one. They do love their Affirmative Action...

The only battle seems to be that between John Dingell and Henry Waxman for Energy and Commerce Committee Chair. Yeah, it sounds irrelavant to you, but it means alot to them. Dingell, who is somewhere in his 80's, sent out a letter saying that Jim Clyburn endorsed him to continue as Chair. But it turns out that the endorsement was based on a position paper Clyburn had put out back in 2006 to the Congressional Black Caucus, supporting the seniority system for chairmanships. That was when Clyburn, now 68, had to fight off Rahm Emanuel, in his 40's with just two terms in Congress, for the Majority Whip position. Emanuel is now White House Chief of Staff, with Clyburn clearly in his rear view mirror.

Clyburn ended up putting out a memo to the media to state that he was NOT endorsing either Dingell or Waxman. Don't you hate when the kids turn their backs on you??? Yeah, it was a bit presumptive of Dingell to assume Clyburn would be supporting him, but it does look like Clyburn is changing a position to conform with an outcome...



  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    So Nancy is going to run again and also I see in the local paper Britton is also

  2. I think Nancy did about all she could, but if Britton is going to run again, she needs to work harder. Our friend was not pleased with the effort.

    You only get one secnd chance, or you become a two time loser -like me. Then it's all over...

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Pruett was a virtual no=show who got just a quarter of the vote and showed up long enough to smack a decent incumbent around with "drop dead" remarks" for a few weeks, only to decide the bars of the Vista and Myrtle Beach were more fun than running for office

    Her ego and ambition is too big for Clarendon County, and there is a reason she didn't run for office at the beach, look into it.

  4. Yeah, you gotta get the kid out of your system before you run, which is why I probably am done - I'm a perpetual adolescent. And i'm a crappy campaigner..

  5. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Let's see how nepotism flows if a Clyburn gets the FCC chair and come 17 February, when it all goes digital, if Jimmy gets the digit on the next campaign... though both of our Senators that allowed passage of the measure no longer hold office.

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    there is no decent incumbent in clarendon county except murrell smith the rest believe they were born or inherit the right to be where they are and the folks in clarendon seem to agree on the most part. ms harvin certainly is a joke
