Saturday, November 15, 2008

Inside Obama's Team: John, Uh, Um, Podesta.

Uh, Ummm, Uh... What Point Am I, Uh, Umm, Making ??
As we get closer to finding out who Barack Obama's cabinet will be, we get opportunities to learn about those behind The Change - and then we pick on them.....For starters , we will pick on Obama Transition Team Head John (Ah-Um) Podesta.
For a guy who talks so much about change, Obama seems to be retreading the Clinton Administration, doesn't he? Hillary for Secretary of State, and Podesta was Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff. I'm not going to cast aspersions on his talent, his ability or his skill. Honestly, i'm not enough of a DC Wonk to tell you a ton about him, except that he looks like a rat, or the guy who banged Pinky's wife in 'Pink Floyd: The Wall'....
Here's what we will pick on: Podesta's inability to get anything out while speaking without saying 'um' or 'uh' or any one of a hundred stammers. Now, I am not a classic public speaker. I remember speaking in public, and filling in blank space with the 'um' or 'uh'. That is until someone pointed it out to me by saying "You sound like you don't know what you're talking about when you do that. Go to frigging Toastmasters." I skipped the Toastmasters thing, but I did learn.
Podesta hasn't , but he needs to. Don't believe me? Here's a clip from Fox News Sunday, where I first caught Podesta in action..
or him at a conference:
or him, discussing aliens - OOPS !
I'm sure Podesta is a great organizer, but it does give off the impression that you're not really sure what your thinking, and that you're reaching for answers - or you're lying..... It reminds me of a song from a while back....


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I work with a girl who drives me nuts when she talks to clients and every other word comes out as uuuuhhh,weellllll,ummmm,maybe.... Gee, it sends such a positive note to the client for me...UGH!!!
    oh, PS- she has going for her Masters World Communication & Conflicts! ( Uhhh, maybe, you can uhhh, find a way to ,uuuhhh, be friends,ummmm, again.)

  2. This is the last post I thought you'd comment on, Sis.

  3. Anonymous10:16 PM

    this guy looks sick

  4. Anonymous10:45 PM

    uhhhh, i think ummmm, you should do like more posts mmmmkay.

  5. What in the world is "World Communication & Conflicts" ... ?!?

  6. It sounds like a course in that International Diplomacy that Obama often speaks of. If you thought Communications was a major in 'Bullshitting', World Comm & Con sounds like the ultimate in BS...

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sorry Mike, the pic of Podesta brings to mind a fellow in a white jacket telling you that either you need a root canal, a proctoscopic exam or a prostate exam...

    don't ask me about Rorschach tests

  8. I picture him with a German accent , poking and prodding you with tolls not mean for human experimentation..
