Monday, November 10, 2008

The Obama's Take the Tour...

"Barry, If Cheney Mistakens You for the Help, Just Ignore Him."
So, Barack and Michelle Obama got to take their first tour of the White House, with George and Laura Bush as their personal guides. I heard that Bush offered to give him the keys to Obama today, but there's that pesky Inauguration thing that has to happen first....
The purpose of the tour was to involve Obama in his first high level security meeting. Senators and Congressmen would like you to think that they know everything that is going on, but until you go to one ot these doohickey's, you then find out what is REALLY going on. Or, you could just read SC6...
Now, there is no truth to the rumor that Michelle Obama came by to REALLY measure the drapes. They don't cange the drapes until well after they get in. I'm sure the Bushes had a lot of fun giving the Obama's the tour. After the last four years, I'm sure they can't wait to get back to Crawford....Who can blame them?
Now, i went to the White House once, and they wouldn't let me go anywhere, but these girls did....


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I heard recently that, despite all the perks that come with living in the white house, the first family still has to pay for any food that their private guests consume

  2. If that's true, the Bushes may need to check the Obama's pockets for sambiches...

  3. Kidding, Anon... Geez !!

  4. Anonymous1:58 PM

    new meaning to deep throat as it applies to nixon days

  5. Anonymous8:50 PM

    aint going to the white house anytime soon

  6. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Must be a lonely place!
