Sunday, November 16, 2008

SC6's Most Wanted: Help Us Catch a Reader.

Careful, That Gun Is Loaded With Democratic Thoughts..

I've been meaning to do this for a couple weeks now, but I forgot. You may have seen a couple other political blogs go out and try to 'out' anonymous bloggers or commenters that they don't know. We're going to try the same thing, but not with any hatred or animosity at all. We just suffer from obsessive thoughts, and not knowing the identity of a friend...

I've mentioned PLuvLaw, or P-Luv as we call him, before. He is from Flotown as well, and he is the writer of Behind the Pine Curtain - a blog that comes from the same sarcastic vein as yours truly, but from the polar opposite politically. Truth be known, even we can agree on some things once in a while - like Ed Robinson and Frank Willis are boneheads... We've even discussed making a local radio show together about Pee Dee politics, but I'm afraid that he'll expose me for the political fraud that I am.....

We did this once before, when I didn't know who West Rhino was, but we know now - he's Charleston Senator and Hunley friend Glenn McConnell. Okay, not really. Sorry, Rhino.... We're going to try again. Here's what we can guess so far.

P-Luv is a guy.

He is white.

Judging by the Pearl Jam video, he is 33-40 years old.

He's married.

He is an attorney.

He works in Florence. He may live out of town, but who knows...

That should cut it down to about 100 different possibilities, but my guess is that P-Luv is:

1. A fellow attorney in Stephen Wukela's office. or:

2, He is Wukela's smart aleck alter ego....

I borrowed a sketch artist from Kenney Boone's office, and this is the artist's rendering of P-Luv...

Maybe it IS Wukela..... Anywho, there's your assignment.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    where do you come up with this stuff???

  2. It's in my noodle. I'll assume you are impressed with my vivid imagination and creativity..

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I think maybe he is Jim

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    You can also rule out Rocky D, Stewart Flood, Earl, Samm McConnell, John Graham Altman, maybe Joe Riley, Michael Jackson, Rick Warren, mabye Elvis, Gil Grissom and David Beasely...

    (that is as to who this Rhino is...)

  5. So,you could still be Al Cannon or Mary Person then....

  6. It's not me. I think it's the voices in your head.

  7. I'm still trying to shut them out... QUIET !!!! SHUT OUT THE VOICES !!

  8. Mike, my fiance wants to know two things: 1) what's the reward or prize? and 2) who the hell I am married to?

    BTW, if you watch the news tonight and you can see the jury box during the swearing in video, you'll probably see me (beside Sen. Malloy).

  9. You get a free oil change at Cale Yarborough Honda, and a Little Debbie Swiss Roll from my pantry. Just don't telly my bosses about the oil change....

    You mentioned being a kept man nice, so I assumed. OOPS! I saw the jury box for a second, but I figure Malloy was getting indicted for something. J/K, he has a good reputation.

    Tell your guy I said congrats!

  10. Anonymous9:43 PM

    it could be the mg
