Wednesday Night: Time to Jam !!
Hey, I gotta run.. It's band practice night, so I'll be away from my trusty laptop. Instead, you'll be seeing me strapped on to my ESP guitar, shredding like a bag of Sargento Cheese.... But, I'll give you something to check out tonight: It's a clip from Ace Ventura, featuring Speed Metal band Cannibal Corpse.... We play a bit slower, and the lyrics are a bit more intelligible - but not by much. Enjoy, and I'll be back tomorrow.
how's that computer doing that i bought ya? where's my money??? give it up punk!!!
ReplyDeleteI think it needs a new battery...
ReplyDeleteIs it the amateur contest this weekend?
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm around, everyday is Amateur Night...I'm pretty sure Friday is. :(
ReplyDeleteBTW Gang, I can't describe how much I SUCKED at practice last night....
ReplyDeletehow do you start a blog thingy like this? Since I'm an A+ english student right now, I wouldn't mind putting it to practice.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that. We all have our days.
ReplyDeleteBlog Thingy??!!! This is my masterpiece, my Mona Lisa ! I slave over this blog. It's like a child to me that i gave birth to , raised, and watch grow into the snotty 15 yr old that resents me..
ReplyDeleteBefore I forget, congrats on the A+. I hope I don't sound condescending, but I am extremely proud of you lately..
As for the blog, all you have to do is go to Blogger.com, and start one up. They give you all the templates and set it up for you. Easy as pie...
I'd be glad to read it if you do it, just don't let it get in the way like mine has. I get home from work at 630, and I spend about 3 hrs a day on this damned thing every night..
Your doing a great job!