Thursday, November 27, 2008

What I'm Thankful For.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everbody !!

Happy Turkey Day! Yes, it's that day that we sit back, get together with friends and family, and count our blessings for the year. That, and we eat a lot of turkey and watch an assload of football. It truly is one of the best days of the year. All it needs are a couple hot chicks , and it might be perfect....

Seriously, it has been a really strange but transformative year for me. I've hit rock bottom both financially and personally this year, but I have recovered quite nicely, thank you very much.... Sure, it's far from perfect. There are people I'd like to see more, and I'd like to be able to help those who helped me so much lately. It's getting there, and it will all work out in time.

So, what am i thankful for? I'm glad to be working again. I'm glad to be home again, and working at a place where they recognized my talents, and were proactive in paying me what I'm worth to keep me happy. That hasn't happened in a long time, if ever. I like my co-workers, I like my bosses, and I like most of my customers.

I'm thankful for getting fired from Hilton Head Honda. WHAT? You bet. First off, it enabled me to come home, where I can spend seven nights a week in my own bed. After two months of wondering if you will be sleeping in your car, being home is a big deal. If I wasn't in Hilton head, I probably wouldn't have been able to get the job at Cale Yarborough. It also taught me that no matter how much you show up and produce, no one wants to work with a pain in the butt. Also, I learned that there are good bosses, and really bad, bad bosses.....

I'm thankful for having ths blog, and for all the people who read it. There was a long time that I put out some good posts, and no one ever commented. Now, I get commnets from people I don't even know, and others who read , don't comment, but tell me about it later. Cool....

Mostly, i'm thankful for all the friends I have , and those I've made . When times are tough, it shows a lot who your real friends are. Some of them have really come through for me, and I haven't forgotten. I used to be told that I didn't say this often, so I'll say it here. THANK YOU. I appreciate every friend I have, and I know that some of you have risked a lot to be friends with me, despite all the risks. To all of you, I promise that I won't let you down... ;)

They say that every day you wake up is a good day. For me, there were days that I dreaded getting up, because it seemed like things were only getting worse. Those days are in my rear view mirror now. For all of these things, and a lot more, I'm very thankful. Feel free to post what you are thankful for, and Happy Thanksgiving !!



  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    right now I'm thankful for the cheesecake you brought over, and the fact that I don't have to work tomorrow...sorry, don't mean to rub it in.

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I am thankful that I can be thankful
