Saturday, December 06, 2008

Don't Trust This Guy With a Secret...

Governor B-Rod Lets His Senator Choice Slip Out Early...

We've been discussing who will be taking over the opening Senate seats when Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton's seats open up. We've talked about Biden's and Clinton's, but there appears to be a bit of a surprise on who will get Obama's seat. How do we know? Because the Governor of Illinois has a big mouth..........

Obama's seat will be chosen by the Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich. No, don't ask me to pronounce it - I'm lucky that I can spell it. Blagojevich, also known as B-Rod, had been coy about who his choice was. I was sure it would be Rahm Emanuel, but he decided to take the gig as Obama's Chief of Staff. The leading candidate appeared to be Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. We all know how I feel about someone who's resume reads 'I'm _________'s Kid' getting seats, but it looked like the seat was his. Looks like I could be wrong.......

It appears that B-Rod will be picking Rep. Danny Davis instead. Good. Davis is a long-time Representative who has long paid his dues in Chicago and in the House of Representatives. He's a bit older, so he may not exactly represent change, but he is a even tempered and sensible man - one of those guys that the others listen to when he speaks. How the cat got out of the bag was a bit funny. Blagojevich was talking about Davis, when he referred to him as "Senator Davis". OOPS !!

Blagojevich then went on to give Barack Obama's ATM pin number, and then he gave away the secret recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken's 11 herbs and spices..... Luckily, you and I have never met him , otherwise he would probably blab all our secrets too..



  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    he should had given it to a republican oh yea there are none in that blue state

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Alan Keyes ran against Obama for the senate seat...

    OTOH, Blago was just busted... coulda learned a thing or two from Papa Richard Dailey
