Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Festivus !!!

Time to Break Out The Alumninum Pole Again !!!

Yes, it's December 23rd, and that means only one thing - that I'll be running around like a lunatic taking care of Christmas travelers 'emergencies' - like squeaky brakes, 'that noise under the hood', and the oil change you've been putting off for six months. Actually, the 23rd means that it's the greatest holiday of the year - Festivus !

Okay, maybe it's not the best holiday, but for someone who get run into the ground right up until I lock the doors on the 24th, a holiday that occurs two day earlier helps. If you aren't familiar with Festivus, it's a fictional holiday glamorized on the TV show, 'Seinfeld'. It was supposed to be a figment of George's father, but it actually was invented by the father of a writer on the show.

There are many variants of how you can celebrate Festivus, but there are some basic ground rules that all Festivus celebrants go by - and this year, Rick, Charlie and I stuck to the basics. The alumninum pole is the first. It's a lot easier than decorating a Christmas Tree - and you can sell it for 50 cents a pound afterwards. Here's some other highlights of Festivus....

The little known Pepperidge Farm cake decorated with M&M's... Yummy !!

Rick engages in his Festivus 'Airing of Grievances', where you tell everyone how they've disappointed you...

Rick & I honor the 'Feats of Strength' tradition by wrestling each other....

.... and Rick wins. Never wrestle a Gypsy. 'Uhh, Dude, Can You Get Your Foot Off My Balls??'

However you celebrate Festivus, make it a great one......



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Mike, when I saw the pole, I thought you were just glad to see us.
