Monday, December 22, 2008

Maybe It's Time to Play the Lottery ....

I Get a Numerical Impossibility With My Electric Bills....
Get ready for a story you might not believe... I'm a numbers guy. All through school and business, I've been able to see things about numbers that others might not have had. However, today I had soemthing happen that anyn would see an unbelievable coincidence - how unbelieveable might stun you.....
I usually get both my electric bills on the 10th of the month or so. The first one for the first place came on time, and it was for 117.15 - the second one never came. I finally called them today to get another bill mailed to me. It was taken care of, and she asked 'any other questions?' My answer? 'Yeah, how much is the bill for?' Guess what the amount was ? You guessed it - $117.15
Yeah, it seems funny at first glance, but let me give you an idea of how kooky that was. First off, the houses are no where alike. One is 1840 square feet, made from Masonite, and built in 1990. The other is only 1270 square feet, vinyl sided and built in 1997. I've had power bills as high as 175.00 at one , and 120.00 at the other. So, the chances of having the two bills be the same in the same month are 210,000,000 to 1 !!!
The lady at Progress Energy's voice seemed to tremble when she read that to me a bit. Truly freaky indeed, don't you think? That's about the same odds as winning the lottery. Think I'll go get a ticket - or two.


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    That is pretty wierd. What would you do with your winnings?

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    same thing happened on the Price is Right recently. A guy guessed within a hundred bucks to get on stage and the guessed the showcase to the dollar to win it all...never happened before.
    even freakier, my power bill is $122. even every month!
