Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Reino Curse Claims Another Victim: Blagojevich Ends Up In the Joint.

B-Rod, Shaking Down a Pair of Seniors For Hush Money ???
Like I've told you guys hundreds of times, SC6 is a high danger area - or any involvement with me for that matter. I listed it all once, but the main thing you need to know is that beign on this blog invites trouble - just ask Illinois Senator Rod Blagojevich.
Only a couple of days after I do a blog post about his inability to keep his mouth shut about his choice for replacing Barack Obama in the Senate, B-Rod was arrested by the FBI for numerous cases of extortion in the use of his office. He is in some serious shit. Even for Chicago, the city where shakedown is still not considered a dirty word, this is bad.
B-Rod had been under surveillance for months in connection with a scheme to shake down contributions from businesses trying to get state government contracts. Word is B-Rod's goal was to extract $2.5 million by the end of the year, when campaign laws were changing. But the most shocking allegation is that Blagojevich was trying to parlay giving away Obama's Senate post in exchange for Board positions for both him and his wife at various coroporations and non-profits, totalling nearly $150k a year. Good work if you can get it.....
The arrest has thrown everything involving B-Rod's choice into a tailspin. The state Assembly has already planned on convening impeachment proceedings before he can pick a replacement for Obama, in the fear that whoever he picks will be tainted by B-Rod's involvement. But , he is still Governor, and he can pick a Senator tomorrow if he wants.
Obama has said that he knows nothing about Blago's extortion plans. That's no surprise, although there is a definite Blago - Rezko -Obama link there. My guess is that Obama will get a pass. The bigger loser will likely be Rep. Danny Davis, who B-Rod was going to pick. Instead, the choice will soon fall onto the Lt. Governor, who is very close to Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who would KILL for the job....
Like the FBI Attorney handling the case - the same guy who nailed Scooter Libby - said, 'The breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering. This is a new low." Hopefully, this will be the last time it happens - but I really doubt it. The Curse continues........


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how people this damn stupid can get so far. As someone who routinely appeals to 12 strangers to use their common sense, the thought is troublesome.

  2. As someone who has lost in running for public office twice, I amazed how he won...It's stunning from all ends.

  3. Chicago's 5th District has had four people in it since Danny Rostenkowski won it in 1958. From those four came a House ways and means chair, a White House Chief of Staff and a Governor. But of those four, two of them got busted by the feds.

    And people those SC #5 was bad.

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Alas, poor Barry Hussein Obama Jr., as ABC reported, was in the Blago evidence, being approached with a appoint me to the cabinet and I'll name your choice to succeed you in the Senate... Tony Rezko or William Ayres maybe?

    No Republican to blame here (unless one wants to jump Alan Keyes for losing to Obama in the Senate race), the bottom feeding media has little else to dine on. Maybe its time for Madonna and Paris to let a Youtoob of spring training capture the attention of the press as a diversion from slow news days.

  5. December is a slow month for news, as the recent blog posts will prove..
