Sunday, December 28, 2008

SC6's 2008 Year In Review: We'll Settle For a Quieter 2009, Thank You Very Much !

Good Riddance, 2008 !!
Well, we're almost done with 2008, and like every year, we review what happened in politics, the blog and myself in the year. No doubt, 2008 was a rough year all around - a nasty presidential campaign, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan continue on, the economy and personally speaking, I've had smoother years. Any way you look at it, 2009 will be one of those make or break years. Will the troops come home? Will Barack Obama be able to get Congress to work together and turn the economy around? Will I find happiness and keep a job for a whole year? Check back in December , 2009!
When you take a minute to review 929 posts from the year, you get to see the mistakes a person makes in life, and there are a few things I would like to take back, but whatever boo-boo's I've made seem to be forgiven. But, you try to only make those mistakes once. I'll check on my resolutions later to see how I did, and to make more for 2009. Anyway, let's look back on 2008 at SC6 - The Year that Was....
Not quite gainfully employed and alone, life could only go up. But, the year started right off with the early primaries. A pack of close to two dozen candidates quickly was cut to five by month's end. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama wiped the Dems field out, and John McCain looked like the leader, although Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney hung on. Clinton and Obama looked bad in the SC Debate, and we had Gunny Sgt. Hartman help you pick a GOP candidate. SC6 showed it's chops by predicting an Obama victory after SC. We also made the NY Times with our Clyburn Obama endorsement conspiracy theory. A new word enters DC - Economic Stimulus. It doesn't really work, but I got new tires with it..
Mike gets a real job, but has to drive 175 miles and sleep on a couch for it. The Dora the Explorer blankie was cool.. Bobby takes us to Punxsutawney for Groundhog Day, and brings back Scrapple - yummy! Fidel Castro steps down, Mitt Romney drops out, and Barack Obama racks up a slew of caucus wins. A long fight looks eminent, and we learn another new word - Superdelegate.
Super Tuesday. John McCain wraps up the nomination, Obama builds a sizeable lead for the convention, but Hillary sticks it out. Ed Robinson ends up in jail - again. SC National Commmitteeman candidates spend big bucks for the job. SC6 hits post number 1000.... Eliot Spitzer goes down with a call girl. I go to the 6th District Convention, and somehow end up leaving as Vice-President...
Obama and Clinton keep trudging along. Locally, everyone seems to be running for office. Jay-Z and Beyonce tie the knot - America can now go on knowing they aren't living in sin anymore... Gas prices start to really get out of control. SC6 introduces you to the Badger Car Salesman, the Congressman For Sale series, and Ms. X clone Jamie Simpson. Within 3 months, she gets pregnant and has a baby. Mike does not take credit for it.. Earl and I engage in a two month battle later known as Shatner Wars . No one else cares. Moye still does not tell us why he shops at Piggly Wiggly.
Mike gets out of the house for once. He visits Graham Slough, and clears ut half of Moncks Corner with his foul-mouthed roast of Earl at his graduation party. Okay, he kept it clean.. Jim Clyburn gets a death threat, and Buffalo run wild on Hwy 278 in Bluffton. The SCGOP Convention takes place, and the ominous smell of discord eminates everywhere there. After 4 months off, Ms. X resurfaces, and Mike takes it all the wrong way...
SC Primary Day. Stephen Wukela beats Flotown Mayor Frank Willis by a vote, Hillary finally concedes defeat to Obama. Big Brown blows the Belmont, I quit my job as Florence County GOP Vice Chair - or did I? Hilton Head Honda moves into the Taj MaHonda, and I come along - for now - but I end up without a place to stay in town. Mike realizes it's time to come home. UGA VI dies...
One bad, bad month... Stress causes me to totally lose my sense of reality, and I expect things from everyone that they are unable to give. But I have anice 40th birthday party, my cousin Chris comes home from Iraq, and we discover an Old Jewish lady that becomes the hit of the election..Barack Obama goes on a worldwide tour, and the preseson polls have Clemson at #9, and Carolina at 28 - riiiiigggghhhhtttt ! On the 31st, I lose my job, drive straight back to Florence, and piss off Ms.X. I haven't seen her face to face since. But, i'm home, and I'll fix it all...
Lots going on.. the Olympics, Brett Favre becomes a Jet, and Smiling Bob from Enzyte goes missing..In politics, i throw my hat into the ring to be Vice-President - but my phone never rings. Hillary Clinton's doesn't either. I predict Joe Biden and Tom Ridge as VP's. Luckily, McCain proves me wrong. The Montauk Monster washes on Long Island - then disappears. Stephen Wukela's one vote win is upheld, but Rocky Pearce jumps the turnstile to run against him. We profile, then actually get to interview the Planters Peanut Girl. After two weeks, i hook up with Cale Yarborough Honda. Things get better..
Hurricanes Gustav and Ike screw up gas prices so bad, P. Diddy flies commercial.. TS Hanna pummels Flotown with 26 MPH winds, but we get a stray dog until i finally find the owner after 8 days. Ed Robinson ends up in jail once again... Lauren Lowery leaves Channel 15, and I stop watching the news. Yankee Stadium closes.... Wall Street hits the skids, and The Fed passes the $800 Billion bailout. SC6 writes it famous Kenney Boone - Chuck Norris posts. Lastly, I down Ms. X on the blog like an idiot on purpose, but the friendship gets patched up after a week or two. Nothign noteworthy goes on in the Presidential election..
The election hits full stride, but all goes bad for McCain. The debates are a draw, which causes me to call the election for Obama on October 4th. The bad economy helps gas prices to finally start falling. The Malocchio hleps my fantsay football to be like the Dallas Cowboys - greta early on before the winter swoon. Tina Fey's Sarah Palin imitation draws raves and helps Obama. SC6 gives out it's mostly partisan endorsements, and we get two new regular commenters - P-Luv and Liz. Now we have six !!
Obama wins in a relative landslide, and we gladly take a break from politics.... Guns 'n Roses new album comes out after a 14 year wait - and it disappoints. A post on BBQ gets a mindboggling 26 comments. We decide to talk exclusively about ribs and pork from now on... Before Obama takes office, Detroit asks for $34 Billion to keep running inefficiently, and everyone fights for Cabinet and Senate seats. Hillary gets one, but Clyburn and Spratt stay at home... The Nickname Calculator gives us 'Sugar Lips, Fluffy Num-Num', and after a Snickers Bar bribe, we out P-Luv...
I get tired of blogging and other things a bit, and I quit blogging - until the Shoe Thrower compels me to post again. We try to give advice to explain and tell how to survive the economy.... OJ goes to jail, and Rod Blogojevich will soon be after trying to extort money for Obama's old Senate seat. A mysterious Steam Buddy ends up on my doorstep, and it takes me three days to figure out who sent it - and it costs $8 to send it back.... lastly, I experience the Redneck Pleasure that is Championship Wrestling live - and Bobby becomes a Daddy three hours later...
See, it always has a happy ending. Thanks for reading the blog, and if there is something you liked best that I forgot to mention, leave a comment. Here's to a smooth and quiet 2009...


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Mike do you know why I shop at the Piggly Wiggly in Manning

  2. Hey...two shout-outs in the SC6 yearly wrap up. Almost makes up for the fact that one of them makes me sound like Lance Bass.

    Congrats on another year, Reino.

    Pluv...who can not sing or dance...

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Continue to be strong, it will get you through. Have a wonderful New Year!

  4. Because it's the closest to your place at the lake, right Moye?

    Mike, I'm gonna agree with you. Chinese Democracy way disappointed. Axl needs to re-learn how to channel his issues into his music.

  5. Sorry I called it 'outing' you, P-Luv....May you NEVER be confused with Lance Bass again.

    Moye, one day you'll tell me why.

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    So Mike how much does the Vice Chairman job pay for the sixth district any how. Tommy was our Christmas party by the way he and I spoke Bobby was next door at the Chamber party had a decent crowd

  7. See you next year!
