Friday, December 05, 2008

Senator Caroline Kennedy Schlossberginstufferino?

I Helped Obama Get Elected, Now It's Time to Cash In......
I was gettign ready to do a little research on who would be replacign Hillary Clinton in the Senate once she takes the gig as Secretary of State, but I guess I got my answer today. Word is that daughter of former President John F. Kennedy , Caroline Kennedy, has sat down with New York Governor David Paterson, and she has requested that he name her to succeed Clinton. I shit you not....
Kennedy's political resume is not very big - aside from her last name being Kennedy. She was part of the triumvurate that chose Joe Biden to be Barack Obama's Veep choice earlier this year, and she did campaign for him. Oh, and her dad was President, her two uncles were Senators, and like 80 of her idiot cousins are Congressmen. So, she IS qualified - at least in this year of naming your kid to succeed you, she is qualified.
Seriously, the bullshit is starting to get out of hand. Whatever happened to paying your dues, gettign experience in politics - real politics, like serving in office - before getting handed the keys to the car? If Paterson names Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg a US Senator, monkeys may very well fly out of my butt, pigs will fly - and the world may very well come to an end. Luckily, Paterson may be legally blind, but he isn't stupid. I'm sure there is one qualified person in New York to fill out Clinton's term.
Everyone knows that Caroline's brother, John Kennedy Jr., was probably in line to become Senator of New York one day - whether he really wanted to or not is up for discussion. Maybe with seeing the impending end of her Uncle Ted's term in DC coming in the near future, she felt that a US Senate without a Kennedy in it wasn't right. I don't know, but if she gets the gig, I would expect a major outcry from both sides, and it would be justified. Senators are supposed to be out best and brightest - not the best connected. Like Strom Thurmond... Bet that'll get a couple of you talking...


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I would rather see Kennedy in there than Clinton.

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Caroline Kennedy's resume (from wikipedia):
    B.A. from Harvard University
    J.D. from Columbia Law School
    Wrote two books with Ellen Alderman:
    * In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights In Action (1990)
    * The Right to Privacy (1995)
    Edited several books, wrote one on the Kennedy family.
    Currently President of the Kennedy Library Foundation, a director of both the Commission on Presidential Debates and the

    NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and Honorary Chairman of the American Ballet Theatre. She is also an adviser to

    the Harvard Institute of Politics, a living memorial to her father.

    The Senate would not only be getting another Kennedy and all the stuff that goes along with that but also Jackie's

    daughter, A girl raised at arms length fromt he rest of the clan. She would probably be the first Kennedy to serve in the

    Senate or House who has not been to rehab since Bobby back in 1968. She would be great, if s

  3. I KNEW this would be coming! Being an honest guy, I will say this: without a doubt, Caroline and John were by far the most normal and well adjusted of the Kennedy kids from what I can see, and Jackie's separating them from Hyannis was very smart.

    That aside, I think the resume you posted makes my point all the more. Yes, she is well-educated, but the rest is all theory and no practice. Books and board memberships are not a Senator-make. Those who can do, those who can't , they teach or write books about it..

    Teddy Roosevelt's statement about 'being in the ring' has a lot of creedence. Thanks for the input!

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    no kennedy no way
