Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yeah, We're Still On Break, But It IS Our Birthday

Yes, The Terrible Two's Are Over ....
December 17, 2005... Charleston, SC.... I am sitting in the den of my overpriced and unnecessary apartment , when I decide to stop wasting my time writing Letters to the Editors that don't get printed - and i start writing blog posts that don't get read !
While today is the 105th anniversary of the Wright Brothers historic flight in Kitty Hawk, NC, it is also the 3rd Anniversary of the birth of SC6 - The Greatest and Most Schizophrenic Blog ever devised....
No, we're not giving a big retrospective post, and we're still on vacation, but we are taking a minute to note the day.. We'll be back soon, but for now, we're laying low, and rediscovering all that Cable TV has to offer...


  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Mike you know you do watch too much TV man. Your blog is read by more people than you think put a meter on it and see.

  2. I just got free Showtime and Starz for six months, and enjoying it. I watched Far and Away last night, and Charlie Wilson's War tonight...

    I'd put the counter on if I knew how..

  3. Anonymous9:21 PM

    that's the cable talkin' Mike!

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I check in on it at least three times a day. Not always a comment, but I do read it. Enjoy you down time!

  5. Actually it's DirecTV, but what's the diff.?

    Thanks, Liz.

  6. You still act like a brat though.

  7. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Earl is right you brat

  8. I'm still not toilet trained either... I THROW MONKEY POO AT YOU !!

  9. Anonymous12:29 PM

    There is nothing wrong being a kid at heart! Don't loose the joy! Helps you live longer.

  10. Anonymous3:27 PM

    She is the one who, when you have her are not worried about circumstances, but live for the day. Happiness comes and goes, joy is no matter what.

  11. Anonymous2:10 PM

    i want a new land fill in williamsburg couty along with my bail out

  12. You need to bury someone?
