Monday, January 19, 2009

And People Thought Joe Biden Had the Big Mouth..

Next Time He Should Have His Hand Over Her Mouth ...
Now we know where Joe Biden gets his knack for saying the wrong thing from: His wife , Jill. Barack Obama hasn't even been inaugrated yet, and h's having to fight off questions from the press, thanks to her.
Today, Biden's wife was quoted as saying that Obama had offered Biden his choice between the Vice President position and Secretary of State, and that Biden chose Veep in order to stay home with his family more often. By the way, where did she say this....uhhh, how about the Oprah Winfrey Show on national TV !!
No harm, no foul, right?? Well, there are a few things that really make Obama look bad on this. Obama had discussed naming Biden as VP or Secretary of State right before the convention, they admit, but they said he was not offered the State Deartment gig. Good thing too - Obama hadn't won the election yet. Not even close to it, in fact. If he did offer, it would have been pretty cocky of him to start planning his Cabinet in August....
That's all conjecture. Now how about some fact. Who does this make look really, really, REALLY bad right now? Hillary Clinton. If the offer, or even the discussion is true, thta makes it certain that Clinton was NOT Obama's first choice for Secretary of State. She hasn't even finished with confirmation, and she has already has been weakend. Now it looks like they gave Clinton the job to ship her across the planet to keep her out of the way. Send Hillary to Estonia, we've got Health Care coming up... The Stimulus Plan is on the Hill, send Hillary to Qatar !!!!!
Yeah, this is all a pretty embarrassing scenario, all played out on National TV. Spouses of Presidents and VP's are supposed to talk about the dumb little things thta have nothing to do with the inside workings of the election - and this is exactly why. Good Luck on ever seeing Jill Biden in an interview again. As Ralph Kramden said........ "You are a BLABBERMOUTH!!!!"
But, don't take my word for it - Reverend Run, DMC and Jam Master Jay agree......


  1. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I thought the slip up was kind of cute! At least they didn't try to lie their way out of it on the air. The idea of Joe being Secretary of State probably had been only tossed around as a possibility. Anyway you look at it, the next four years ought to be pretty interesting!

  2. Are we being political again??? ;)

    The timing couldn't have been better - it's a big TV Lovefest going on right now, so they got a pass. But Hillary can't be happy. Friends close and enemies closer, indeed...

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Whatever happened to Clinton Commerce secretary Ron Brown?

  4. Hey now, that plane crash was an accident ! So was Vince Foster, McDougal... yet Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers are still roaming around. That Net of Retribution has a couple holes in it, doesn't it?

  5. Anonymous10:54 PM

    four and out

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Mike, officially Vince is a suicide. The only accident was in the placement of the body in Ft. Marcy Park being interrupted by a witness that walked off to report the body.
