Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blago Thumbs His Nose At Senate Democrats ...

Blagojevich's Attitude Can Be Described in Two Letters - F.U.

You gotta hand it to Rod Blagojevich. He is one stubborn bastard... If I got busted for all the attempts at extortion that he did for handing out Barack Obama's Senate seat, i would probably would have just packed my bags and walked away. Then again, I'm not a narcissistic egomaniac hellbent on keeping my power. Then again, I have no power...

Not only has B-Rod not stepped down as Governor of Illinois, he told all his fellow Democrats in his home state and in Washington to eat a big Poop Sandwich by naming former State Attorney General Roland Burris to be Obama's replacement - and everyone is furious.

The big concer since the scandal broke is that any candidate picked by Blagojevich would be 'tainted' by association. Honestly, that is a bit of political BS. Burris may not be the greatest choice, but there could be much worse choices. Andrew Cuomo wants to be the next Senator from New York, and New York's current Governor got his job under less than optimal circumstances, so why is no one making a stink over that. Sure, there are differences, but if Burris has prove himslef to be a decent choice for two years, why complain? I'll tell you why....

Politics. Simple Politics. Although the US Senate has absolutely no power in decidingwho gets to be Obama's replacement, they are trying to do it as much as they can. Over 50 Senate Democrats sent a letter out , stating that they would not recognize any replacement chosen by Blago. The problem is that they HAVE to recognize him. Burris is not the issue.. The issue is that there are about 5 current Congressmpeople from Illinois that were sure that the job would be theirs. Jane Schakowsky and Jesse Jackson Jr have left no doubt that they want the gig. Danny Davis appeared to be the leader for the gig, but since the scandal, he has been quiet. I would be too...

Right now, Blagojevich is on a political Devil's Island - all alone with literally no friends. But, he cockily goes on undaunted, waving hi to his partymates with his middle finger... the Democrats are not off to a great start here. Obama appears to be pretty clean of this mess, but his party may end up dragging him down with this power struggle. How will it play out? My guess is that Burris gets the seat, because no one is able to stop it legally. The whole thing reminds me of a Rodney Dangerfield clip: Or at least the last ten seconds of this clip...



  1. I don't think this thing has any effect on Obama or his administration. It's Chicago and despite all the media, it's local. Most Americans could care less.

    I think the big problem with Burris, is he hasn't won dick. With all the scandal over this situation, if I'm a Dem in Illinois, I want someone that is going to be a dynamite candidate who can over the dead weight they'll have to lug around when its time to run for reelection. Burris' had a failed Gubernatoral run in '04 and he has already lost a US Senate bid in '84.

    You're right about Blago, this is nothing more than a FU to everyone. I certainly don't believe his explanation: he's just following the LAW. Nice try, Blago, but its a little too late play the law and order card, don't you think?

  2. Hey, we're supposed to be forgiving and let people repent for their errant ways, but yeah - it's a bit too convenient. He's not sorry he did it, he's just sorry he got caught.

  3. Anonymous12:08 AM

    i hope this guy gets buried...literally, in a dump site or sewage waste facility.

  4. The Guv is so screwed and instead of retreating or even attacking, he shifts the battle to the other side by forcing those who don't like him to fight amongst themselves. When it's all said and done, he may well be able to pick up the pieces and live to fight another day.

    Pretty dammed shrewd, if you ask me.

  5. He has been successful at taking the focus off of himself a bit, but it's only temporary.

    The State Assembly will have their revenge on him soon enough. In politics, a man without friends is a dead man.

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    recheck that pic, John McCain could, with a bad hair piece, do Blago on SNL.
