Thursday, January 22, 2009

Condi Rice Is a Big, Friggin' Star, Baby !!

The Ex-Sec Get Signed By The William Morris Agency ...
Well, well - that didn't take too long. Just a couple days after leaving office as Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice has been signed by the powerful William Morris Agency as a client. No, she won't be the center square on Hollywood Squares, nor will she be a panelist on the McLaughlin Group - WRONG !!!!!!
Nope, Condi will be working a whole smorgasboard of projects. Most of them will be working the lucrative speaking engagement tours, book deals, etc. But she has other things in the hopper as well. She is looking to start a number of philanthropic efforts involving classic music,and helping disadvantaged kids. Sounds like more fun than trying to solve the Middle East, doesn't it? Her agent hasn't been named, but this might be the one...


  1. she can have Jerry. I'd take this guy:

  2. Ari is THE BOMB . Word is that Rahm Emanuel's brother is the basis for Ari's character...

  3. Partisanship is the only reason I could see her taking that puss Maguire over Ari. But I'm sure Gold would take her on. They could just hug that shit out...

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    We need Condi

  5. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Rice/Palin '12
