Friday, January 30, 2009

Derek Jeter's Dirty Little Secret ...

Hey, What Has Pinstripes and Smells Like Mariah Carey and Jessica Biel?

Nevermind that question - I think we all know the answer to that. As a lifelong Yankee fan, Derek Jeter has always been a guy to look up to. He's a solid player, he doens't talk trash, he's been a good member of the community - and he's had a list of hotties that anyone would envy. So, it comes as a bit of a shock today to hear that he may not be as perfect as we all thought..

Like we posted last fall, Yankee Stadium closed it's door after 86 years. When a place like that closes, looters can be found everywhere - and there were. While dozens were arrested, apparently one of the thieves got away scot-free: Jeter.

Yep, it seems that Jeter pilfered his favorite item from the Yankee's lockeroom: a sign that reads a famous quote from Joe DiMaggio - "Every day, I thank God I am a New York Yankee." Actually, I think that quote was origianlly atttributed to a guy who played for the San Diego Padres, but it didn't stick...........

So, should we expect to see Derek Jeter in court in the Bronx soon? Don't count on it. Jeter could rob a pack of nuns, and he'd still get away with it. Like all the girls in Long Island say... "Oh My GAWD, Derek Jeter is like, SO FUCKIN' HAWT !!!!!".


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