Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Just In: Your Analog TV Got a Stay of Execution.... For Now.

Old Sparky Won't Get Your Old TV Just Yet......

For the past year and a half, you've been hearing about the big switch on TV from analog to digital transmission. Basically, you can only get TV reception if you have cable of satellite once the switch is made. Can you see the hand of special interests in that one?

Anyway, despite all of the notice and opportunity given to get your converter box to get your old TV to work, it seems that there are still 6.5 million people who haven't gotten ready for it. So, the Senate unanimously voted to extend the deadline for the switch to digital. That means that February 17, 2009 is now June 12, 2009.

This will allow all those procrastinators of you out there to delay getting ready another 4 months, at which point you can complain again - and then Congress can extend it even further. Will the switch ever happen. Not if we lazy Americans can help it..



  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    it is the bailout plan sell more converters with goverment money

  2. Yeah, this bailout is getting out of hand...Way too much non-economic stuff.

  3. I bought one for my parent's lake house and did not bother with the coupon, but I believe there were some reports about problems getting the coupons to help purchase the converter recently.

  4. Looks like everyone spoke too soon:


  5. Yeah, I heard.. I didn't have time to comment...

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Nevermind the lies that picture quality is the reason this was legislated, the FCC has or is auctioning off the bandwidth occupied by analog TV signals. How's about some transparency here?

    FCC also delegated to a committee of electronics companies weasels the technical specs of your digital television broadcast signal... wonder who assumes that accessorizing by buying a new 30 foot mast and televison aerial, not covered by the "food stamp" converter box "gift card" will be a nice economic stimilus package for their factories in Mexico and Malaysia? Add to that an installer that maybe habla Igles.

  7. Anonymous9:26 AM

    This link may shed a bit of light


  8. So it appears the coupon fund ran out of $, but a lot of the coupons had not been used yet. Apparently they all expire (I assume on the scheduled transition date) and the theory behind extending it, was so they could reissue new coupons to those who are in the "wait-line" for them. So no new money, just using the $ that is being held for folks who apparently aren't using the coupons.

  9. Anonymous7:58 PM


    so Mike...are you over the bitterness yet?

  10. P-Luv, they found another $650 million for the converter boxes - unless that's the old money you're talking about, but I doubt it.

    I suppose I'm better, but my roomie is a retard. Come by soemtime, and I'll show you...

    You back in town yet?

  11. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I want my government cheese!
