Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Whopper Smell That Drives Women Crazy !!

Flame by BK.... The Joke Cologne That Even I Couldn't Make Up .
It's official... The ad exec's at Burger King are either a slew on mental patients, or they will try ANYTHING to get you to eat there. First , they made that creepy 'King' dude, then came the 'Whopper Virgins' ads. Now they've really done it....
Ladies, would you like your man to smell like a flame-broiled hamburger? If your answer is yes, then have we got a product for you: Flame By BK !! It's a spray-on body cologne that Burger King put out recently. Best of all, it sells for only $3.99 - less than the price of a Whopper w/ Cheese combo. And it smells like a $3.99 cologne...
This is how BK descibe the mess.... "The Whopper is America's Favorite Burger. FLAME By BK captures the essence of that love and gives it to you. Behold, the scent of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat." I think I wore this chick-repellent the last time I saw Ms. X - that was six months ago. That couldn't have been the reason, was it ??? Hey, they're serious about this stuff. Check out the commercial:
While seeing The King half-naked is pretty nauseating, apparently it works. That girl in the commercial was Scarlett Johansson - or maybe that hottie from 'The Hills'...... I forget, but he's getting more Top Shelf action than i am, so who am I to criticize ?? If you can't beat 'em, smell like 'em ! I'm tossing out my $55 bottle of Curve, and getting this crap ASAP..
Personally, i think Kramer had a better idea when he wanted to make a cologne that smelled like the beach, but what do I know? If you want some, you can go to get your own, spray it on, and watch those hungry fat chicks come running.....


  1. Damn you Calvin Klein and your thieving ways!

    I have a buddy who was a TV producer for years. He was at a Fox station for a while and when he would win ratings book, his manager would hook him up with sweet Seinfeld swag (I guess Jerry keeps Fox packed, since they keep shelling out the $$ for syndication).

    Anyway, Kevin has the Coffe Table book that is a coffe table. Its a sweet leather-bound book with high quality paper. Every page is an Episode, with memorable quotes, guest stars, notes, etc. It's like one of 150 and Seinfeld signed it.

    He's also got an awesome B&W print of the final court scene, taken from the Judge's POV, so your looking out over the courtroom, seeing all the cast at the defense table and every guest star in the gallery. Then the main cast has autographed the matting. I've been begging him to let me use it in my office since he got it, to no avail.

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I wonder what one of these would smell like for Wendy's? fish perhaps?

  3. Anonymous2:05 PM

    you shitting me

  4. I shit you not, this stuff exists...

  5. Anonymous1:22 PM

    How about that Planters Peanut cologne?

    Don't touch that squirrel's nuts!
