Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Step, Pass The Stimulus. Step Two, Leave the Country As Soon As Possible !

Obama Meets Canadian Ambassador McKenzie and His Brother...
After a rough and tumble first month in Washington, the Democrats were able to finally pass the Economic Stmulus package, and Barack Obama has announced his plan to assist citizens who have made bad deals on their mortgages. Neither plan is a sure fire cure, and the static put on Obama and the Democrats by Republicans, angry voters and the media has certainly gotten hotter. So what does one do when the heat goes up in Washington? You get out of the country !!!!!!
Maybe it was me, but I swear I heard Alice Cooper's "School's Out" when they dismissed Congress last week. Seriously, as soon as they passed the bill, everyone bolted for the Four Corners of the Planet. Obama went straight to Canada - in February !!! Hillary Clinton got on a plane to Asia, and Nancy Pelosi hit the road for Europe. Word is, Jim Clyburn also went to a foreign land to hi m as well - that faraway land called the 6th Congressional District of South Carolina..... Welcome Home, Jim! Just pop that old address in the Tom-Tom, and you'll make it back to your house in Santee...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I will be in Santee tongiht will tell him you said hi if I see the dude
