Sunday, February 22, 2009

For Some People, You Can't Go Too Far Left...

Well, I don't suppose Hillary Clinton is going to get any free tickets to see Rage Against the Machine or The Beastie Boys anytime soon. Could it be that I'm about to write a post that supports Hillary? Maybe.....
Maybe you missed it, but Hillary Clinton is taking her first overseas trip this week to Asia. The past couple days, she has been in China. Now, we all know dealing with China sucks. Their human rights record is atrocious, they cheat on their trade policy, and someday, they will own ALL of our debt , and they will call it in, and ruin us financially. The are the rude, smelly uncle that you can't stand - but they ARE family, and you need to talk to them on holidays.
However, single issue (and extremely liberal) groups like Amnesty International and Students For a Free Tibet don't look at things that way. With Barack Obama's election, they saw this as a real opportunity for the US to take a hard turn to the left on social issues like human rights. Their vision was a bit faulty there.. For those leftist richie kids that largely make up AI and SFFT, I have a message for you - IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID ....
Rarely do I say that Hillary Clinton is right, but she is here. Dealing with China is like holding a wolf by the ears..... You don't like it, but you don't let go. At an economically sensitive time like this, you don't attack the only financially stable country in the world as your opening comment for human rights violations. We have to work with China, like it or not, and secondary issues like human rights - or abortion and other non-economic issues - are of little importance right now.
China was scared shitless when Barack Obama won in November. They got used to George W. Bush, who seemed to have alot of fun in Beijing at the Olympics. Obama and Clinton know this, so the first step is to overcome the doubt, get the US back on good economic ground, then put the screws on China's record on human rights and the environment. Mark it down, because i'm gonna say it. Clinton was right.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but even she isn't left enough for some people.
