Monday, February 23, 2009

The Good News and The Bad News..

Yes, 2009 Is Gonna Suck, But.....

Here's some good advice. Just listen to us here at SC6, because we apparently know more than some of the leading economists in the country. When the election took place, the majority of the top economists felt that 2009 would actually be a growing year for GDP. What gave them that idea in the first place is beyond me, but they did.

Luckily, you guys are smarter than the norm anyway. For starters, you read this blog, right? We don't blow smoke up your ass, especially when it comes to the economy. So, when we told you last fall that early 2009 would be the very bottom, and it would pick up later in the year, and 2010 would be better, we were right, and they weren't. Now they're all adjusting their forecasts to pretty much what we said then.

So, here is the poop for 2009, in case you missed it. The first half of the year is going to suck, but not for much longer. These things take 12-18 months, and we're in month 14 now, whether you knew it or not. Just about everyone that was going to get laid off has been. Unemployment will peak at about 8.3% nationally. Not good, but it's been worse. We just didn't feel the need to spend a couple trillion to fix it.

Summer will come, we will have saved a couple of bucks by then, and some of that stimulus will have kicked in a bit by then. Slowly, surely, it will turn around. For those of you who still do have a couple of bucks saved up, give the stock market about another month or so, then get in. Want a good hometown stock to choose? Try Nucor Steel. All of these projects need steel to do it, and Nucor is only about $33 a share right now. This isn't just a pick of mine - all of the FOX Business Guys, conservative and liberal, like it.

So, why do I seem to be better at forecasting this than the 'experts'. I have a degree that I never get to use. My brother has a girlfriend who's a analyst w/ Morgan Stanley. What does she have, aside from a hot body? A degree in FUCKING ART !! That's why. Trust me, not a suit.



  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    this stock market is killing me

  2. Yeah, but all you can do is ride it out, because it's just about bottomed.

    However, if you aren't in it, now is the time to get in for the long term.
