Friday, February 13, 2009

How a Car Bumper Can Explain Last November Better Than I Can...

As smart as I might be - or not be . As good as I usually am at explaining voting tendencies and reading the pulse of people, there are things out there that can show it an explain it better - without saying a word....
This is a bumper of a car of one of my customers. Honda people generally are a bit more green and liberal than most people, so i do see my share of white Democrats with Barack Obama bumper stickers on their cars. But this one is a bit different....
Look to the left. That is a Kenney Boone sticker. Yep, the guy who I compared to Chuck Norris endlessly last Fall got a vote from a guy who then went and voted for Obama. Trust me, I know Kenney Boone pretty well, and he is slightly to the right of Barack Obama. But not to this guy.
What simple knowledge can we draw from this guy's bumper? That the days of straight line party voting may be coming to a close. Blacks voting for Republicans, NRA Rednecks voting for Democrats. White businesspeople electing a black amn President. It all happened this year, and therfore, it will likely happen again. With most things, tendencies and values change. Sometimes they go left and right. Other times, they just go forward and back - and that is better than left or right.
All a politician like myself ever asked was to get a fair shot at voters to listen to them. I didn't very much, although I did get higher than any GOP candidate in Florence County in 2006. The times, they are a-changing !!!


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    move to turbeville and run for county council
