Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Is It Time to Retire This Flag ?

The Porch Flag Has Seen Better Days....

I need you opinion. I took this picture when i got home from work tonight. I've had this flag on the front porch since I moved in a year and a half ago. I think it might be time to get a new one, because this flag is beginning to look a bit ragged...

It's torn both on the top and bottom. I tell most people that I'm a direct descendant of Francis Scott Key, and that this is the original flag from Fort McHenry. Others ask me if I stole this flag from 9/11. Normally, you would just buy a new one, but , being a former Boy Scout, i wonder how I'm supposed to dispose of this properly. More importantly, I have to ask the question: Am I disrespecting America by flying this flag on my house? Time for some input: am i good American, or am I a bad American?



  1. You could show your outrage for Congress over the stimulus bill and burn it...

    Or wrap yourself in it, Larry-Flint style, when you descend on the statehouse to protest the unfair treatment of "gentlemen's clubs" in South Cackilack.

    Lap dances = free speech!

  2. Anonymous5:07 PM

    You probably need to replace it. There is a box outside the post office in Manning that collects the old American flags to be retired proberly by the local VFW. Send it to Windy if you want to. They have a ceremony every so often. I put my old Clemson flag in the box one time also.
