Sunday, February 15, 2009

SC6 Makes It's Pick For SCGOP Chair..

We're Endorsing Kevin Hall... So Is His Daughter.

With SCGOP Chairman Katon Dawson's decision to not run for another term, which we viewed as a good thing, the jockeying has begun to replace Dawson. By a good thing, we just feel that no one in politics should hold any office for too long. Nothing against Katon - we've had our disagreements, but every decision he's made has been with what's best for the party in mind..

It looks like there will be three candidates to vie for Dawson's gig: Former State Education candidate Karen Floyd, Spartanburg County GOP Chair Rick Beltram, and Columbia Attorney Kevin Hall. There have been whispers of an elected official in Columbia running as well. My advice to that person is this: you have another job, not to mention whatever else you do for a living - don't try to put too much on your plate.

So, who are we going with? We're picking Kevin Hall.. Why? Mainly, i appreciate Kevin's efforts for working in the smaller GOP events, not just stuff where he is running for office or trying to promote himself. He's a 6th District guy, and at last year's convention, he was working the front desk, registering the delegates - quite a thankless job for a guy who was rumored even then to be taking over the state chair's job. He's also done a lot of pro-bono work for conservative causes that he believes in, and to defend victims of violent crime. The only issue that concerned me a bit was his ability to raise funds for the party, but with the endorsements of both US Senators Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint, that should take care of itself.

And what about Hall's competition? I'll try to invoke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment (Thou Shalt Not Speak Badly of Other Republicans).. I like Karen Floyd. I worked with her, I met her probably a dozen times on the campaign trail in 2005-06, and I consider her to be a friend. But, I haven't seen her doing much work with the inner dealings of the party. There has been no indication that this is the job she wanted, so i have some doubts of how dedicated she would be at doing this job. She got a glittering endorsement from RNC National Committeeman Glenn McCall, but I have some questions if the GOP is triangulating it's way into looking like the Democrats. I appreciate McCall's efforts, and I did vote for him last year, but I respectfully disagree.

I've never met Rick Beltram, or at least sat down with him. He has done a great job in motivating the GOP in the Upstate, and his work as County Chair does make him more qualified than some, but I have some very good friends in politics that do not like him, or the way he promotes himself. There is one point where I did make up my mind about him. At last year's Presidential Straw Poll on Fox, I think Beltram came off as too combative, and he his communication skills were terrible. Not as bad as mine, but Hall has it all over him in those regards. A messenger who can't clearly define and communicate the message is lost. We will need that badly in 2010, and Hall is the guy for the job....



  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Please contact me at:
    864-590-7723 (cell)
    This way we can discuss walking through the "wall of fire" in the game of politics.....many have never does this very diificult task.
    Thank you.
    Rick Beltram

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    You know I took that picture of Kevin and his daughter at the RNC in St Paul on the floor before McCain spoke in September last year. He was an alternate from the 6th. I am also supporting him.

  3. Thanks for writing , Rick. Sorry about putting cell number on here, but I didn't want it to look like I was trying to block your comments.

    We see politics differently. I never used military, disaster or terms of damnation to desribe politics, which is probably why I lost twice. I never saw it in those terms. Good luck in the race!

  4. I was pretty sure this was the same pic. It's making the rounds, Moye. You might need to get it published and start charging for copyrights!

  5. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I'm surprised you would not consider supporting Rick Beltram. I would think the two of you are sort of kindred spirits in a way. While Kevin Hall may be seen doing volunteer work from time to time, Beltram is all about the grassroots and organizing at the county level. I assume that is where your passion lies as well. Both of you have ran for and lost races for local election. You are both "political gadflys" (if I can use that term)--yes Beltram shows up in the media from time to time, maybe with hints of self-promotion involved...but let's not forget your own notoriety in the world of GOP politics when you offered to be the VP candidate a while back. Beltram has had his share of controversies and dust-ups in the party--but I still remember the whole controversy about whether you were removed as a vice-chair in Florence. Let's just say that you and Beltram can both attract attention! To sum up, Beltram is a real grassroots guy, kind of gritty, not some cookie-cutter corporate attorney (as if we needed another in the GOP). Florence and Spartanburg share more in common than the boardrooms of Main St. Columbia. Characters like Rick are what make politics interesting and fun (somehow I think you would agree). But when you have one who is also one of the hardest working party leaders in the trenches, maybe he would actually be the better choice for what you really, deep down, want to see if your state GOP chairman.

  6. Anonymous3:13 AM

    My cell phone number is available to anyone interested in GOP politics. Thank you for posting the number.
    But, I still would like to talk to you for 5 minutes. Please call.
    Thank you.

    Rick Beltram

  7. Sounds to me like a bidding war is about to begin for the SC6 endorsement. Reino is not for sale! (Although he can be rented for limited engagements...)

  8. I don't know about that. There are rumors that he paid me off not to run for State Treasurer back in '07.

  9. Am I the first one to endorse here, because I seem to be getting a lot of comments for my little blog...

    Kevin, you have a compelling argument from a peripheral standpoint. Yeah, I'm an in the trenches kind of guy, and I have had my small share of contraversy. But, those contraversies were manufactured (VP was a total joke), or false (I did quit, and I still don't know why the County Chair was ready to think otherwise). But, just because I find things in common with people in politics doesn't mean that I would vote for them. Last year, I was for Rudy all he way, but he is a tough, tough guy - much different than I.

    Now, just because I bribed Earl w/ Arby's and a t-shirt isn't an indication that I can be bought as well. My vote is not for sale......but you can discuss it with me at The Trophy Club.

  10. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Kevin Hall reminds me in some ways of Joe Erwin. Both are guys whose main involvement in their respective parties prior their to races for chairman were on the fundraising side. Both came in with slick websites and hired consultants to run their campaigns for state chairman. It makes me suspicious at first, but then again someone like Joe Erwin was the only good chairman Democrats has since their fall from power. So maybe Mr. Hall will be good for our party.

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    so mike have you called rick yet

  12. Me calling is a waste of your time, Moye.

    Richard, not a glittering endorsement, but your mind is open at least.

  13. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I really like Beltram. He has gotten speakers galore to Spartanburg. He does come across as somewhat arrogant and abrasive but most Yankees do. Except Manhattan dudes. Now I was at a lunch and was sitting with him in Columbia a couple of years ago and was telling him that he did a good job getting all those Presidental Candidates to come in. I also said I would love to get just one major candidate not the fringe ones because we can get them. He told me to come on up and he would show me how to run a party. I told him if I lived in Spartanburg I could show him since he lives in the most GOP area of the state and of course I live in the most Democrat area of the state. There is a difference. Rick aint got a chance. With Karen in the race it will hurt him with his area. With Rick in the race it is going to hurt Karen. Karen lost the statewide vote and she did it by not carrying her home county. She was backed by Sanford. Sanford I think will stay out of this one. I like Karen. Rick did lose his local race but was probably the best candidate. Rick also lost last year for State Delegate to the RNC. He did show up in MSP but it was brief. Looks like Kevin will win if he keeps meeting with all the county parties big and small and any other GOP meeting he can get to. Remember Glenn McCall he did not miss a meeting and Drew wanted to send a representative especally to the small counties. A delegate vote from say Williamsburg or Clarendon counts the same as one from Spartanburg or Greenville. Spartanburg or Greenville just has more of them. The smaller counties seem to vote in a block and that is key.
