Thursday, February 26, 2009

This Spending Is Getting Out of Hand....

At Least It's Not a Monkey Getting Shot ....

Barack Obama introduced the broad strokes of his 2010 budget - the finer points will come in April. While some points are OK, I'm a numbers guy,and some of these numbers are freaking me out..

One number stunned the living shit out of me today, and that number is $1.75 trillion - the expected budget deficit for 2009. Last year was the highest recorded deficit in American history - $455 billion. Yes, somehow we will manage to almost QUADRUPLE the highest deficit ever. The line that almost made me laugh today was when Obama spoke of "The hard choices that lie ahead". I hate to say it, but when you rack up deficits like this, you're not making choices ot saying no to anyone. This all kind of stuns me. I thought that Obama would go easy, take all of the ramifications into consideration, and be somewhat moderate and sensible. Damn, was I wrong....

For all the people that Obama and the Democrats are trying to assist, there are very few solutions he has to pay for this.. Efficiency in medical records? Lower deductions? Less tax breaks for farmers and corporations that hire overseas? It seems that Obama's cure for the budget deficit is getting out of Iraq and to stop paying Medicare and Medicaid. I'm not sure how that works, but maybe you guys can explain it. All i know is if a doctor or hospital stops getting paid, they don't accept that patient or their provider anymore...

Now, it's not all bad. I'm okay with the tax rollbacks on high earners if it went to actually cut the deficit. And including everything in the budget is a little more transparent. If you spend the money this year, include it in the deficit. But this budget is just damn crazy. It's too much, too soon. There are way too many major problems that we are facing now to attack nationalized health care. And i am one of those who DON'T HAVE health insurance. I don't expect the government to pay for it, just like I don't expect so many other things that wreck our country.

With every social program that we add, the deeper we fall into the trap. The GOP made those mistakes with No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D. Taxing everyone else to pay for prescriptions drug for millionaire Senior Citizens is ridiculous. Now they want to spend $63 billion a year to start to pay for health insurance. That will not cover it all, and it will get much higher, fast. $63B for 45 million uninsured is $1500 per person - who gets insurance for that little. It will be triple that almost overnight....

In the first 225 years, we as a country piled up $5.6 Trillion in debt. In the last nine years, we have accrued another $6.8 trillion. We are a nation out of control. All of the economic numbers you hear about match the recession of 1982. We got thru it with about $200 billion in budget deficits, due to a tax cut, and we recovered. This is NOT how you get thru it... Barack Obama has just made his first major misstep. Every American understands how bad a $1.75 trillion deficit is....



  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    not every American does understand just ask the Obama voters

  2. You know,when I wrote that I felt that I was probably wrong too...
