Sunday, February 08, 2009

What Do The Great Communicator and The Rasta Man Have In Common? Find Out Here...

They Both Smoked Herb and Listened to Reggae Music...NAH !!!!!
No, the correct answer is not that they're both dead either....In fact , it's the exact opposite. They were both born on the same day - February 6th. Reagan was born in 1911, Marley in 1945. Thanks to Bob Juback for the info. No, he's not a buddy of mine, I heard it on the radio Friday.....
Now, I personally believe that people born on the same dates have certain similar personality traits. No, I have no data to back it up - I'm a Republican, I don't base my beliefs of solid statistical facts. ;) But, when you consider that I share the same birthday as OJ Simpson, Courtney Love and Tom Hanks, there does appear to be a thread of credibility. But what about Reagan and Marley ???
I submit to you that February 6th has some significance. While Reagan and Marley seem like exact polar opposites, there is one major similarity between them, one that Earl would find interesting - communication. Whether you are an actor, musician or President, there is one common piece - you have to be a great communicator. While your words don't always need to be specific (like Reagan), or even discernible (like Marley), being able to convey your message and opinion is a gift, and they both had it...
Yeah, maybe they're not both hanging out in Heaven as best buddies, but I bet they had a neat conversation for a little while....