Saturday, February 21, 2009

The White House Gets Pissed at The Media.

Bob Gibbs Loses His Temper With a CNBC Reporter.

You see, if you look hard enough , you can find things in common between the Obama and Bush Administrations. Here's one: They don't like being criticized. Ask White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs...

I'll admit, even though Dana Purr-ino was more interesting to look at during the press briefings, Gibbs is much better than Scott McClellan. Where McClellan had a constant deer in the headlights look of battle fatigue, Gibbs sticks to his boyish grin and focused bullet points. But, even Gibbs can lose it at times....

After Barack Obama unleashed his Housing Plan, there was a cetain amount of backlash. Like many people, CNBC business reporter Rick Santelli, believes that there are flaws in the plan, and that taxpayers who didn't overextend themselves have to foot the bill for those that lacked control of thier finances. Santelli called it 'rewarding bad behavior'. Gibbs fumed over it.

Gibbs, who was visibly pissed, shot back "We left the adage that if it's good enough for a derivatives trader, that it was good for Main Street back a few months ago. I'm not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives, or in what house he lives, but the American people are struggling evryday to meet their mortgage, stay in their jobs, pay their bills, to send their kids to school, and hope that they don't get sick or that somebody they care for gets sick and sends them into bankruptcy."

Wow. No doubt that Gibbs got a bit off track with the comment here. It's kind of like asking why I forgot to take out the trash, and I go into a diatribe about forgetting about it, I'm busy at work, I have more important things to do, I hate garbage anyway because all government agencies are evil, the world is a terrible place, and Britney Spears music absolutely sucks, so why throw the trash out? Focus, man. FOCUS !!!!!!

Gibbs wasn't quite done yet. He later showed a copy held up a copy of the plan to the press, and said " The plan is available on the White House website, and I would encourage him to do the following: download it, hit print, and begin to read it. I'd be more than happy to have him come here and read it to him. I'd be glad to buy him a cup of coffee - Decaf !!" Nice save, Robert. Always leave 'em laughing...


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