Monday, February 09, 2009

Yeah, Gimme a Quart of 2% Milk..And a Dimebag.

This Guy Even Looks Kinda High, Doesn't He ?

Hey, you know why people call me The Milkman. It's because I'm fucking your mother !!!! Sorry, but that's one of my favorite stupid jokes. I've been at Horne's Restaurant for three hours, at the first Florence County GOP meeting. Since precinct reorganization is coming up, all of the fair weather Republicans are coming out of the woodwork to keep their seats to the State Convention in May. But I'll chat about that tomorrow (teaser)...

Since I'll be going to bed in about ten minutes, I only have time for a quick post. It's another one of those posts involving my second favorite topic that I don't do - smoking pot. My favorite thing that i don't do is Sex....

A 72 year old milkman in Burnely, England was arrested recently for running a little side business out of his milk truck - supplying cannabis to elderly customers who were complaining of aches and pains. Robert Holding would receive notes left on his customers doorsteps, requesting some herb along with their skim milk. I'd like to know if it were in some kind of code, but the article doesn't say. Hey, how about some details, fellas ???

Burnely pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to a 36 month suspended sentence, so if he's a good boy, he'll stay out of jail. Personally, i think if he hired P-Luv, our boy could have pulled out some precedent from the Feudal System that would have gotten him free, with a personal apology from the cops - but that's just my guess...

Hey, what do you get when you milkman gets stoned? Something like this.... any excuse to play it!



  1. Anonymous4:39 PM


  2. Anonymous7:38 PM

    smooth move...haha

  3. Not sure if you're kidding or serious..

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    what about that meeting at Hornes in Flo Town

  5. Probably will have to wait til thursday. Band practice tonight..
