Saturday, March 07, 2009

Here's the Latest On The Florence GOP Fight...

Uhhhhh.... It's Pretty Quiet Out There This Week.
Yeah, I know you guys are counting on me to keep you up with the latest poop, but I gotta be honest. I haven't heard a peep out of anyone since Monday. It shouldn't be a surprise though. Some people view what i did last week as being a blabbermouth, and that maybe I can't be trusted with what's going on. But, I'm sure I did the right thing. There are times when you have to get stuff out in the open, and times to be quieter...
Right now is the quieter time, although I suspect it won't last for long at all... Monday night is the next Florence GOP meeting at Horne's, then next Saturday is the precinct reorganization - the first step in where Florence County will go. Personally, it wouldn't surprise me if I was blocked from even being a precinct delegate. Too bad... It'd be a shame if all my talent were wasted because they don't want to hold the tiger by the tail....We'll see.
I'll try to make a couple calls on both sides tomorrow, and if there is anything newsworthy, you'll hear it here. If there is anything that needs to be waited on while differences get resolved, you'll know that too. Patience.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Just face it the current leadership in the Florence GOP is a bunch of LOSERS. When we the Pee Dee Republicans take over you can bet we will be able to grow the party and it will be able to take its rightful place in the 6th district as the leader. Our next move will be to clean house in the 6th. Just think we will be able to get rid of one of your Tommy boys twice. Have a good day and will see you at the Precinct Reorganization.

  2. As the 6th District Vice-Chair, I hope don't you don't mind me asking if that includes me as well.

    Florence might be the largest county in the district, but it is far from a majority. The job of taking it over without someone who has made real contacts with every party District delegate for the past 5 years would be impossible.

    You guys may consider me a bit of a joke because my Dad doesn't own anything in town, but my political clout in the 6th is almost unsurpassed - and that is no joke.

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You know you are looking at this entire situation with the Florence GOP as a joke, as how the Pee Dee Republicans are trying to get in and help with the leadership that we have. I believe that they are doing the right thing by trying to help change the party leadership, at least they are willing to do something about it, unlike some other people who claim that they are involved or used to be involved and all they do is blabber about how bad things are or just blog about them

  4. Anon, you just made my point. I haven't ever said that change in the local party wasn't needed, but that the way you do it is to GET INVOLVED in the party, not to make a secondary organization and then show up with an army at the convention, and expect us to respect it all. If everyone was coming for the past six months, I'd say you were doing it right. You're all just pissed because I called you guys on it. If you guys take over, I'll still be loyal to the party leadership. Should I vote in a Chair or Vice-Chair that don't attend the meetings?

    As for my commitment, I'll put my record up against anyone that didn't get paid. Were you guys around when I drove to Charleston , Walterboro , Columbia ten nights a month for three years after working ten hours a day? The day you can go to any GOP meeting in South Carolina and have everyone know you, then you can talk trash. Until then, stay under your Anon tag.

  5. I'm sorry, I forgot something. If I'm such a loser, why did one of your organizers ask me to run for Chairman last month? My advice is to drop the 'if you're not with us, you're against us' attitude, and ask your leadership about me.

  6. Yeah, me passing out Obama flyers in 2012 - HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

  7. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Wellll, we've seen the tactic elsewhere before, though Roberta Combs' crewe seems to be riding the organization at the roots of the last attempt to seize the party down like the captain on the Titanic...

  8. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Do not believe the Hall operatives.

  9. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Mike I am down here in Hilton Head for a couple of days of classes. You take care until I can get up there. By the way TG called me tonight to let me know about the County meeting tomorrow. I spent several hours today in our EB meeting in Manning. If I could make the Florence meeting I would but you know how bad the ride to Florence from Hilton Head is. Hope you guys can get together on this thing if not you can always move south and help us.

  10. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Who asked you to be the Chairman and why didn't you do it?

  11. I'll keep that a secret, since it was someone who I'm sure is one of the higher ups. I cannot be Chairman because I work 55 hrs a week straight from 700-600 and a half day every other Saturday. I'm just too unavailable to serve, and I'll admit I'm not the most motivated person to do what is needed from the job.

  12. It's not a wise idea to call Mike Reino someone who hasn't worked hard or paid his due to the party, nor would such claims be honest in any way.

  13. Thank You , Earl. Where do I send the check ??

  14. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I would like to know who is their leadership ("higher ups")? Can you please post that information here? Thanks.

  15. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Forget this for awhile it is a great day up in Alaska. Lance Mackey is leading The Last Great Race. If he wins this year he will have three in a row. This guy has got to be the worlds greatest athelete. Now back to you.

  16. You just listen to the ol' Pluvlaw and take his advice on a dark and stormy night when some wild-eyed eight-foot tall maniac grabs your neck and taps the back of your favorite head up against a barroom wall and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks if you've paid your dues.

    You look right back at that big sucker and remember what Pluvlaw always says at times like that. "Have you paid your dues, Pluv?"

    "Yes sir, the Check is in the mail."

    (with apologies to my man Jack Burton).

  17. Wise advice from all indeed... You can find the Pee Dee Republicans info on their facebook page.

    I had a friend join them because he misread it as PBR, and thought it was a Pabst Blue Ribbon Fan Club. Difference is, you can't find 270 people who like PBR !!
