Monday, March 16, 2009

Here's More Stuff To Make You Feel Good.

Boston Terrier Pups Are The Cutest, Aren't They ?

You know, even though the weather has been pretty crappy the last few days, I'm in a bit of a chipper mood. I'm not sure why exactly, but i think I've been doing a good job of focusing on the little things in life, and being somewhat grateful for all the things I have - a job, a home, manageable debts, my health, and a good amount of friends. More importantly, a good amount of GOOD friends. Yeah, it's a bit cliche', but for a negative putz like me, it's a breakthrough....

So, to commemorate realizing what I have, and to try and make up for the other two slack posts I put up today, I wanted to tell all of you thanks, and I LOVE YOU ! Here's a clip for you, my friend. I hope you like it.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    You had me going there for a minute.
