Saturday, March 07, 2009

Iowa's Oinkin' Bad Smell Earmark - The Other White Meat, Or A Necessary Evil ?

Babe, You And Your Pals Stink !! LA-LA LA-LA !!!

With all of the discussion this year concerning earmarks being put into legislation, every bill is being scrutinized. Alhtough Barack Obama promised that evry earmark would be be run over with a fine tooth comb, the fact is that he really can't do much about it, and goofy things end up in a bill. This year's economic stimulus bill is no different.. We give you The Stinky Swine Earmark !

Yes, included in the economic stimulus bill is an earmark to study for pig odor research in Iowa. I've never been on a hog farm, but a roommate of mine at ECU had one, and he says there is little on this planet that smells so bad..

Why does Pig Shit and slop smell especially bad? Because it's a mixture of Hydrogen Sulfide (aka Rotten Eggs), and Ammonia (aka Cat Piss). Mix 'em all up, and you've got a poo bomb that carries miles into the air, stinking up everything in it's path. It's especially bad in Iowa, where there are 3 million people, but 20 million hogs !! That's a lot of pork, baby!

How bad is it in some towns? In Lorimor, Iowa it has been so bad that residents have gone a week without leaving their homes. They had a town-wide garage sale that NO ONE went to, due to the stank..

So, how do researchers plan to get the stink out? They're not sure yet, but they have had a little success by using ultraviolet light to remove odor and by planting trees and vegetation to keep the smell from drifting.. Personally, i think they should develop a giant torch that detonates all the gas in the air, then POOF !! No more gas. Yeah, millions may die, but at least it won't stink.

Still, there is a big fight in Congress over this earmark and others, like: tattoo removal for East LA Gangs, Polynesian Canoe Rides in Hawaii, Termite research in New Orleans and Grape Genetics study in New York State. But, for supporters of Iowa's White Meat, like Senator Tom Harkin, he has one piece of advice before you complain - come to Iowa, and take a whiff !!


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