Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Joe Biden: He Opens His Mouth, and Dumb Stuff Always Comes Out...

Methinks Obama Followed The Thornton Melon Theory....

OK, what the heck am I talking about this time? In 'Back to School', Thornton Melon said in his Tall & Fat clothing store commercials, "If you want to feel thin, hang out with fat people." I think Barack Obama decided to use Melon's theory with his VP Choice - if you want to look smarter, surround yourself with idiots...

Yep, Joe Biden did it again.... JoBi pulled another verbal boner yesterday at a DNC fundraiser. In a rambling, erratic speech - one in which he called something 'his last point' three times - he overblew the task that the Obama Administration faces with it's current crisis. He said 'We have inherited the most difficult first 100 days of any president, I would argue, including Franklin Roosevelt." All together now............ WTF ???!!!

Biden continued... "It was clear what the problem Roosevelt inherited was. This is a more complicated economic issue. We've never been here before - here or in the world. Never been here before." Uh, not since 1982, when virtually all of the same economic indicators were the same, except mortgage rates were about 13%, more than double what the average is now.

Luckily, Roosevelt went on television, and he calmed the country down, and......Sorry, I couldn't help it! Please, Joe. We are not in 25-30% unemployment, the stock market hasn't bottomed out totally, everyone hasn't lost all their savings in the banks. What was the Dow Industrial at when it tanked in 1987? How about 775... Nearly SIX THOUSAND points below what it is now. This is a recession, not a depression, folks.

Biden should spend a few minutes with his Mom, and ask her what the Depression was like. We're all lined up and down the street with our 3 cars and 7 TV's at the Soup Line, right? I didn't think so. Biden's words insult everyone who actually went through the Depression, including both my parents. I wish he could just tell the truth, and say 'Things kinda suck right now, but it's been this bad before, and a lot worse.'

But, that's Joe Mouth. That's his job - to say dumb shit, and make us glad that at least Barack Obama is in charge , rather than him.



  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Great piece

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    And we were told what a f'ing imbicile (that's idiot for the uneddukated) Danfort Quayle was...

    Gotta remember though, that Joey boy did plagarize his "autobiography" we have to wonder what else will have the same credibility.
