Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Man, Did We Have Some Crazy Ass Stuff Go On Today Here In Florence !!

Break Out The Bloodhounds !! Drug Bust, Wild Car Chases, And a Manhunt.... And They Say Florence Is Boring .....

Hi Honey, and how was your day ??? Boy , it was a wild one in Flotown today.. I'm at work, doing my usual routine, when all of a sudden, about ten cop cars, cruisers and cars that I never knew were cops before come flying past the dealership and they all go into the condos near Celebration Puddle - I mean Lake. Next, two helicopters are overhead, and about ten more cop cars join the fun. What was it? Just another day at the office for Kenney Boone and his boys at the Florence County Sheriff's Office....

It seems that we had a trio of people driving down I-95 with about 5 pounds of cocaine - probably doing the usual Miami-to-New York trek, when they got stopped by a FCSO deputy. While questioning one of them outside of the car, the other two took off in the vehicle,and the chase was on....

The nice thing about being a moron from NY or Miami is that you think South Carolina is a bunch of farmland, but these jerks found out real quick what Flotown traffic is all about. They got off on the first exit in town - either Lucas Street or Hwy 76, and quickly ended up in West Florence on Cashua Drive - one of the busiest areas in town! They went past Delmae Elementary, and tried to hide in a small patch of woods behind the school. Delmae immediately went on lockdown, which was inconvenient for me, because one of the teachers had a loaner car of mine that I really needed - but hey, the law is the law..

For hours, no one was allowed in the area, and the copters flew overhead. At print time, one of the escapees was caught. The third was rumored to have been found in Middle Swamp, but there has been no confirmation of it. For Florence, this is about as exciting as it gets - except for Monday Burrito Madness at Moe's .....

I just got this from Kenney Boone's Facebook page.. Here is a pic and the info on the at-large suspect... keep your eyes open.



  1. We have discussed my problems with Boone's focus on I95 traffic stops before. It's all about getting into cars and he's got his people really pushing the lines to do it.

    Herein lies the problem with this emphasis on interstate interdiction: they are not doing anything to stop crime in Florence. Sure some of the dope may be headed here, but most of it is not (specificially today's).

    Today, the FCSO actually brought crime into the city. Thank goodness no one got hurt, but I maintain these efforts are a ridiculous waste of time, effort and resources. We will NEVER win the war on drugs. It's time to acknowledge that and try something new.

    To steal a line from The Wire: You can't call this shit a war...Wars end.

  2. Yeah, luckily, no one was hurt, and I'm sure some proceedure wasn't enforced that would have prevented this chase. I agree that the stops don't do a lot to stem drugs into Florence directly. But, FCSO gets A LOT of money on these stops.

    The big problem is that DRUGS are illegal, and I have seen coke and heroin fuck up a lot of lives, unlike pot. Since they are illegal, what choice does FCSO have but to enforce the law?

    Tough choice..

  3. They could concentrate on targeting the drugs in Florence, instead of the drugs on I95, the vast majority of which are not headed here or even near here.

    I prefer my local sheriff to focus on our problems, not other locales problems. But the big drug busts get Kenny and Co. on tv and that's what they want. He came and spoke to the Breakfast Club before the last election and wanted to show all those folks the videos of all the stuff they had seized and those people did not care in the least. They wanted to know what the hell was being done about gangs.

    Now, drugs help fuel gangs, no doubt. But once again, if your goal is stopping the drugs, you will fail. Sorry, but it can't be done.

  4. Just asking..Does the FCSO have any jursidiction in the city, or does that fall on City of Florence? Do they co-ordinate at all?

  5. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Hell you cant drive on 95 without almost hitting one. I remember someone saying one time do not throw out a cigarette on 95 or it may cause an explosion at all the firework stands. If you throw a butt out it surely will hit a FCSO car for sure. I do like to see them stop the drugs on 95. I also agree we aint gonna win this war.

  6. I'm glad nobody was hurt. But Pluv hit it right on the head - it's not about protecting the community, but rather scoring headlines and assets and cash via civil forfeiture.

    You can make an argument that it's helpful and necessary, and maybe to a point, it is. But if it becomes more important than dealing with problems of direct impact to the community, then something's out of order.

    In this case, the perps brought it upon themselves. For all we know, the deputy might've had zero suspicion in the vehicle or its occupants. That's often the case in such situations where a nervous perp jumps the gun.

    But I've seen a lot of people pulled over on 95 South with a parade of cops, tearing the cars apart. As for me, I'd rather stonewall than consent to have my car ripped to shreds. Without a warrant, reasonable suspicion or a drug dog detecting something, they can't go in my car. I'd rather spend 10 minutes or so in a standoff, and then go about my way, which is less time than I'd lose consenting to a search.
