Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Say 'Pryvit' To Moscow's Newest Political Star...

It's Maria Sergeyeva, Putin's 24 Yr. Old Mouthpiece...
It's Wednesday, it's band practice night. So, we're going with a nice easy post here. It seems that even Vladimir Putin has gotten the message - attract the kids, and you have a future. Little KGB has found his messenger to the Yutes of Russia - a 24 yr. old hottie named Maria Sergeyeva. No, not Maria Sharapova, the tennis star, although she's plenty hot too. Personally, I prefer Ukrainian chicks...
Here's an article on our 'Red' Hot Hottie, including some semi-racy pics.
Or, even funnier, watch this clip of Paul McCartney butchering the Ukrainian language before singing 'Back in the USSR' - like he can tell Russia from the Ukraine. Where's the check? hey Paul, will your songs still suck when I'm 64 ???


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    so when you heading back over there

  2. No time soon. I have an invite to roll in the dunes with someone in Corpus Christi, and see how much sand I can get lodged in my boxers. Know any good hotels there?

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Has Larry Flynt offered her a million of porn industry bailout cash for a photo feature yet?

  4. Da! I'm up for that type of capitalism...
