Where Have We Seen That Logo Before ???
Time to play the Chicken and The Egg game.. After the election, Pepsi changed the logo on their soda cans - and instantly, I flet that they were ripping off Barack Obama's campaign logo. Not everyone agrees with me, but apparently some do.
For over two decades now, Pepsi has been aligning itself as the hip cola - 'The Choice of a New Generation', right? Now, i prefer Pepsi to Coke - I think Coke is a bit too syrupy. But, there has been no secrecy in that Pepsi has tried to co-opt Barack Obama's success, and make it look like that Pepsi is Obama's drink. Well, it isn't working, and Team Obama seems to be leading the charge against Pepsi.
In a Time Magazine article, Michael Scherer unofficially went around the White House and it's staff, and did some snooping around. It sounds like he mostly went dumpster diving and trash can observing. Such is the life of an Investigative Journalist. From his report, there seems to be one overwhelming winner - Diet Coke.
Yep, cans of Coke, Pepsi and Diet Pepsi are rarely seen around the White House. That 'Just One Calorie' goodness is the choice of this generation apparently. Among the big Diet Coke drinkers are Budget Director Peter Orszag, Economic Advisor Larry Summers, and Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. While Obama himself has been relatively non-committal,he is known to be a big fan of Honest Tea. Enjoy that diabetes ten years from now, Mr. President...
So, why Diet Coke? Well, for the obvious reason - Diet Pepsi kinda sucks. Diet Coke has some flavor to it, but Diet Pepsi tastes like you are biting on the can s you drink it. It has that metallic quality to it, and that's not a good thing. Personally, I think Coke Zero is the best tasting Diet Cola. No wonder those guys are suing...
So, is the Obama Administration doing undue harm to Pepsi in it's actions? Maybe, but fear not. I'm sure if Pepsi's sales drop from it, they'll get a bailout too.....
I never liked Pepsi and I never liked Obama they are both bad for you in the long term